Thursday, August 1, 2024

Death and Disease by Stealth Right Now by Wildfire Smoke and Heat Affecting 100 Million Americans. Proven Here: Arson (and to a Much Lesser Extent other Human Cause) not Chicken Little Climate Change, is to Blame!

By David William Jedell Updated October 16, 2024
Fable : Chicken Little Video
I.Q. Test: You are in your living room and it's getting very hot. You keep putting more logs on the active fireplace. Q: Did the living room heat cause the fire in the fireplace, or did the fireplace heat up the living room?
Answer: Chicken Little Climate Change DEFINITELY DOES NOT CAUSE WILDFIRES!!! On the contrary, wildfires cause the atmosphere to heat up and produces billions of tons of CO2 and Toxic Smoke and Particulates. (Phony Reversal of Cause and Effect)
NEWSFLASH; Extreme ocean temperatures are jet fuel for tropical cyclones, driving more active hurricane seasons with bigger, stronger storms. They also can boost heat and humidity over nearby land areas, increasing risks to human health during the warmest parts of the year.
Record ocean temperatures could lead to "explosive hurricane season," meteorologist says
In order for a hurricane to form, two things must be present: a weather disturbance, such as a thunderstorm, that pulls in warm surface air from all directions and water at the ocean’s surface that is at least 80° Fahrenheit (27° Celsius). Because it is the interaction of warm air and warm seawater that spawns these storms, they form over tropical oceans between about 5 and 20 degrees of latitude. At these latitudes, seawater is hot enough to give the storms strength and the rotation of the Earth makes them spin. Hurricanes start simply with the evaporation of warm seawater, which pumps water into the lower atmosphere. This humid air is then dragged aloft when converging winds collide and turn upwards. At higher altitudes, water vapor starts to condense into clouds and rain, releasing heat that warms the surrounding air, causing it to rise as well. As the air far above the sea rushes upward, even more warm moist air spirals in from along the surface to replace it. As long as the base of this weather system remains over warm water and its top is not sheared apart by high-altitude winds, it will strengthen and grow. More and more heat and water will be pumped into the air. The pressure at its core will drop further and further, sucking in wind at ever increasing speeds. Over several hours to days, the storm will intensify, finally reaching hurricane status when the winds that swirl around it reach sustained speeds of 74 miles per hour or more. Eventually, hurricanes turn away from the tropics and into mid-latitudes. Once they move over cold water or over land and lose touch with the hot water that powers them, these storms weaken and break apart. Recent studies have shown a link between ocean surface temperatures and tropical storm intensity – warmer waters fuel more energetic storms.
Utter Hogwash: Climate change fueled the fury of hurricanes Helene and Milton. Two new studies link abnormally hot water in the Gulf of Mexico to the storms’ intensity. NO, HOT AIR FROM WILDFIRES!!!
Proof: Arson (and a small amount of negligent human cause) is to blame
What is the ignition temperature of plant matter? 450 Fahrenheit!!! Average ignition temperatures were species dependent, ranging from 227°C to 453°C, with a large degree of scatter from leaf to leaf. Correlations of time to ignition and ignition temperature were made, but showed only a weak dependence on leaf thickness and almost no dependence on mass of moisture in the leaf.
See also,
Arson is the criminal act of deliberately or maliciously setting fire to property including public lands with the intent to damage or defraud. Devices and “hot sets” are commonly used to ignite fires. Arson is a felony, punishable by imprisonment of one year or more and/or a fine. A suspect found guilty of arson may also be responsible for all costs associated with the suppression, rehabilitation of land, and damages incurred by the wildfire he/she set. Arson fires may account for over 20% of all human-caused wildland fires, and up to 70% or more fires in some jurisdictions. The actual number is unclear as arsons fires may not be recognized as such and be classified as another cause, undetermined, or unknown for some time before a pattern develops.
September 15, 2024 - As of this morning, 62 large active wildfires are currently being managed with full suppression strategies nationwide. Current fires have burned 2,447,282 acres. 27,371 wildland firefighters and support personnel are assigned to incidents, including 25 complex and 3 type 1 incident management teams, 566 crews, 1,875 engines, and 149 helicopters.
To date, 36,855 fires have burned 7,329,660 acres nationally. This compares to the 10-year average for this date of 44,264 fires and 5,765,878 acres.
Are you SCARED yet? Here. Nearly three quarters of the global population can expect strong and rapid changes in extreme temperatures and rainfall in the next 20 years unless greenhouse gas emissions are cut dramatically, according to a new study.
New Technique of Propaganda - Assume a Fact Exists in order to make a different point to "slide" over the proof necessary for the initial fact.
EXAMPLE: "How do scientists figure out how much climate change is to blame for a specific weather event?" Written by a little innocent girl with lots of DEI qualifications; the whole article is a complete fabrication of "facts". ANALYSIS: Chicken Little "Climate change" is completely unsupported! You are distracted to think of "weather events" and subliminally assume Chicken Little Climate Change is an established fact. What is a fact is that WEATHER heats up from wildfires caused by ARSON. It takes 450 F of hot air to ignite a wildfire - thus Chicken Little Climate Change cannot cause wildfires and the heat that goes with it. The author of that article even writres, "Heat waves are fairly easy to tie to climate change, because we have lots of long-term temperature records from around the globe, and computer models simulate temperature well." Gobbledygook!!!
Not so long ago, neuroscientists used to think the human brain was 'hard-wired' with fixed circuits of neurons. Now we know better. The brain is actually soft-wired, meaning it is plastic and malleable, undergoing significant changes as we learn and age.
31,000 scientists say “no convincing evidence”. There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.
There Is No Climate Emergency, Say 500 Experts in Letter to the United Nations (October 01, 2019). Their Letter: The general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose. Therefore, it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions of dollars on the basis of results from such immature models. Current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy. We urge you to follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics and genuine concern for those harmed by costly but unnecessary attempts at mitigation
Here are the specific points about climate change highlighted in the letter:
1 Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming.
2. Warming is far slower than predicted.
3. Climate policy relies on inadequate models.
4. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a plant food that is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
5. Global warming has not increased natural disasters.
6. Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.
7. There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic.
Putting the 'con' in consensus; Not only is there no 97 per cent consensus among climate scientists, many misunderstand core issues. Lots of people get called “climate experts” and contribute to the appearance of consensus, without necessarily being knowledgeable about core issues. A consensus among the misinformed is not worth much. Second, it is obvious that the “97%” mantra is untrue. The underlying issues are so complex it is ludicrous to expect unanimity. The phoney claim of 97% consensus is mere political rhetoric aimed at stifling debate and intimidating people into silence.
Dr. John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics said: “Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists.” Chicken Little Climate Alarmists are using the summer’s heat as “proof” global warming is happening as a result of greenhouse gas emissions caused by man and animals, mostly livestock. This "theory" is debunked in the article herein!
Report finds ‘no evidence’ of a climate emergency. An international study has found that there is “no evidence” of a climate emergency. “The study analysed data from heat, drought, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and ecosystem productivity, and could not plot a trend either way. While every fear-mongering greenie is saying we've never seen flooding like we have in recent years... the report found the opposite.”
Former Secretary of State calls the First Amendment a 'major block' to stopping 'disinformation'. He added democracies are 'struggling' without a truth arbiter. He said that the First Amendment a "major block" to combating misinformation and fighting climate change. "Democracies around the world now are struggling with the absence of a sort of truth arbiter, and there’s no one who defines what facts really are." (Like Big Brother!)
The "campaign against U.S. oil production and pipelines is not just harmful — it is an environmental fraud. Now more than ever, with both a hot war in Europe and spiking energy prices wreaking economic havoc, it is vital to change our attitude and our policies toward this issue...Since 1920, Earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.12 degrees and the world population has quadrupled from less than two billion to almost eight billion. Even so, the number of people killed each year by natural disasters has declined by about 90%. That statistic, more than any other, puts the lie to claims of an existential crisis due to climate."
No Life on Earth Without Trees
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, including trees, use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen as a byproduct while producing the sugars they need to grow, essentially allowing them to "create" themselves and the oxygen we breathe in the atmosphere; this process is vital for life on Earth as we know it. Leaves pull in carbon dioxide and water and use the energy of the sun to convert this into chemical compounds such as sugars that feed the tree. But as a by-product of that chemical reaction oxygen is produced and released by the tree. Trees also store carbon dioxide in their fibers. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, in a year ONE mature tree will absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange.,and%20released%20by%20the%20tree.
Unleashing the Potential of Carbon Capture and Removal by Monetizing CO2. What better way to monetize carbon capture than to burn the trees, which naturally capture carbon and store it as a tree, create more CO2 and then fund carbon capture projects with tax payer money and monetize the carbon.
Nature's Solar Energy
All organisms, animals and plants, must obtain energy to maintain basic biological functions for survival and reproduction. Plants convert energy from sunlight into sugar. They use energy from light to convert water and carbon dioxide molecules into glucose (sugar molecule) and oxygen. The oxygen is released, or “exhaled”, from leaves while the energy contained within glucose molecules is used throughout the plant for growth, flower formation, and fruit development. There are several structures within a leaf of a tree that have important roles in the movement of nutrients and water throughout a plant. Each plant contains a branched system of tubes called xylem, which is responsible for water transport from the roots (where it is taken up) to the leaves (where it is used in photosynthesis). Water flows up from the roots, through the trunk and branches, to the leaves, where it is used in photosynthesis. Alongside xylem is another system of tubes called phloem, which transports the glucose formed in photosynthesis into the branches, fruit, trunk and roots of the tree.
POLITICAL POWER! California’s young (ignorant indoctrinated) voters must participate if we want a livable (chicken little) climate future. "As a young Californian, I’ve already witnessed firsthand the rapid and dreadful environmental changes unfolding around us. From wildfires and floods to rising sea levels and scorching temperatures, it’s clear the home we love is in danger. I’m deeply concerned about the future of our planet, and I plan to cast my first vote in support of candidates and policies that support a livable earth."
Several of the fires in California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho are forming their own thunderstorms, with extreme and shifting winds at the surface, making it more difficult for firefighters to fight the flames. Fast-moving wildfires in California and Nevada left tens of thousands of people under mandatory evacuation orders, numerous structures threatened and air quality impacted Sunday, as a dangerous heat wave grips much of the Southwestern U.S. The big picture: Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo declared an emergency Sunday in response to the Davis Fire, south of Reno, where evacuation orders affected some 20,000 people. California Gov. Gavin Newsom proclaimed an emergency (Federal $$$) in San Bernardino County a day earlier over the Line Fire, where over 11,000 people were under evacuation orders. By the numbers: The uncontained Line Fire is one of seven large blazes in California and 67 large fires burning across the western U.S. as of Monday, according to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC). Nevada is facing two large fires.
Hardline Propaganda to Fool the People: "Hallmarks of climate change seen in floods, fires and drought around the globe". The hallmarks of (Chicken Little) climate change — extreme heat and drought; larger, more intense wildfires and supercharged hurricanes, typhoons and rainstorms that lead to catastrophic flooding — are being seen and felt around the globe. In Peru, wildfires have left at least 15 people dead since July and 22 of the nation’s 24 regions have active outbreaks. Peru’s National Forest and Wildlife Service, SERFOR, says the effects of (Chicken Little) climate change are intensifying conditions that help spread fire. In Brazil, flames were burning through Brasilia National Park. Firefighters across northern Portugal are working to contain some 100 wildfires caused by hot, dry conditions, stretching crews thin. Fires have forced residents to flee their homes and are blamed for the deaths of at least six people, including four firefighters. Drought in Brazil’s Pantanal region led on Monday to the lowest water levels on the Paraguay River in more than a century, disrupting commerce on the major waterway and creating hazards for local transport. Officials say water levels on the river dipped 89 centimeters (35 inches) below a benchmark at the port of Asunción, the capital, the lowest point in 120 years. Drought in Brazil. Wildfires in Portugal, Peru and the Western U.S. Severe flooding swamping Central Europe, Southeast Asia and Western Africa.
09/22/2024. A week of (Chicken Little) climate-related events coinciding with the U.N. General Assembly will allow supporters of the fight against rising temperatures to rally their forces before November’s U.S. presidential election — which will be followed, days later, by the COP29 global climate summit in Azerbaijan. World leaders and business executives are flocking to New York City to make a case for bold efforts to expand clean energy and enhance climate aid for imperiled countries. $$$ Amid the week’s confluence of closed-door meetings and public pronouncements about how countries and businesses plan to address global warming, supporters of the president's efforts intend to send his own message: The United States isn’t abandoning the climate cause, in large part because the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act is pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into the transition to clean energy. “I’m there to nudge our friends to do more, but also to reassure them that the IRA will not and cannot be repealed puts everybody in a position to support more ambitious” national climate plans at COP29. $$$
United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance. New York, 22 September 2024 – World leaders today adopted a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact (Global Tyranny) and a Declaration on Future Generations. This Pact (Global Government) is the culmination of an inclusive, years-long process to adapt international cooperation to the realities of today and the challenges of tomorrow. The most wide-ranging international agreement in many years, covering entirely new areas as well as issues on which agreement has not been possible in decades, the Pact aims above all to ensure that international institutions can deliver in the face of a world that has changed dramatically since they were created. As the Secretary-General has said, “we cannot create a future fit for our grandchildren with a system built by our grandparents.” The Pact covers a broad range of issues including peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations, and the transformation of global governance.
This expansion to meet their objectives is labeled “UN 2.0.” This includes granting the secretary-general increased decision-making abilities and more authority during “public health emergencies.” According to the UN website: Halfway through the 2030 Agenda, the world is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It is not too late to change course, if we all rethink, refocus, and recharge. “UN 2.0” encapsulates the Secretary-General’s vision of a modern UN family, rejuvenated by a forward-thinking culture and empowered by cutting-edge skills for the twenty-first century — to turbocharge our support to people and planet. (Yada Yada Yada.)
Power Grab Attack on Sovereinty: 26 Republican governors have signed a commitment to push back against the WHO’s mandates in their respective states.
UNITED NATIONS — Governments and dictators from around the world gathered in New York and adopted a sprawling agreement to expand and further empower the United Nations. The controversial declaration approved by the UN General Assembly, known as the “Pact for the Future,” is seen by the UN and its member governments as a great leap forward for the cause of globalism. In short, the UN is becoming “UN 2.0,” as top leaders of the organization put it. However, in the United States, at least, lawmakers, governors, and grassroots leaders are growing increasingly restless about what they perceive as a historic power grab, putting many attendees at the UN summit on edge. The final agreement adopted at the Summit for the Future formalized those ideas with the backing of virtually every national government and dictatorship on Earth. “We recognize that the multilateral system and its institutions, with the United Nations and its Charter at the center, must be strengthened to keep pace with a changing world,” reads the Pact for the Future, which was adopted by “consensus” featuring token opposition from a handful of governments. One of the major tools to help the UN “renew” trust in globalism is controlling information, as the pact makes clear. It calls on governments to “address” so-called “disinformation, misinformation, hate speech and content inciting harm, including content disseminated through digital platforms.” Of course, “hate speech” was a term introduced into the UN lexicon by the mass-murdering Soviet dictatorship to describe speech it hated. A key theme of the pact was reaffirming commitments to previous UN agreements and schemes such as the UN “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” a tool of tyrants aiming to replace the U.S. understanding of God-given unalienable rights with UN-granted revokable privileges. (The Pact gives the UN Secretary General absolute power.)
Deep State Puppets of the USA: SECRETARY OF STATE: Good afternoon. At this summit, The (Socialist/Marxist) UN Secretary-General and many world leaders have argued powerfully that to fulfill the crucial purpose of the United Nations, we urgently need support, reform, and revitalization. The United States fully agrees. That’s why we joined fellow member states in shaping and committing to a broad range of priorities in the Pact for the Future; forging the Digital Global Compact; signing on to the Declaration on Future Generations; enabling the United Nations and international institutions to better respond to shocks like pandemics and natural disasters, made more severe by frequent – by the climate crisis; addressing growing and diverse threats to international peace and security on land, the sea, the air, in outer space, and in cyberspace; ensuring that universal human rights are respected equally online and offline; empowering women and girls across the UN’s efforts; reforming the UN Security Council to better represent the developing world and, more broadly, the world as it is today.
Murder by State. Democide. In the 20th century, at least 170 million people — and perhaps as many as 360 million — have been murdered by their own governments. This is more than four times the approximately 42 million deaths from civil and international wars. When the state murders some of its general population, it is called democide; when it murders minorities, the term is genocide. Authoritarian states employ democide to maintain power. It is part of a broader program of state-approved terror designed to intimidate, demoralize or subjugate the citizenry.
Potential Remedial Measures
Real Laser Weapons Could Be Used by the US Military. See Postscript below.
Cal Fire has made 78 arson arrests so farin 2024 for arson
The cause of this fire is not yet known. undreds of people are under evacuation orders in Sierra County after a wildfire in Northern California's Tahoe National Forest erupted on Monday. Cal Fire said the Bear Fire has burned 1,391 acres in the Sierra Brooks area of the forest in Sierra County as of September 3, 2024. Containment was at 0%.
Arson is the leading cause of fire in the United States. Each year, an estimated 267,000 fires are attributed to arson, which result in $1.4 billion in property loss and cause over 2,000 injuries and 475 deaths. 2 As a result, arson prevention and investigation have become the focus of increased attention within the federal government, the fire service, and the criminal justice system.
Ignition Temperature of Wood. Proof: Wood placed in an oven at 700°F. catches fire almost immediately. At oven temperatures of 450°- 500°F., the wood gradually chars and usually ignites after several hours.
F.I.R.M.S. US/CANADA (Current Wildfire Map) Fire Information for Resource Management System US/Canada;@-100.0,40.0,4.0z
World's Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index (Breathing Hazard Seems Underestimated But Close)
Current USA Heat Map
Worldwide Fire Map (Modify for today's date);@0.0,0.0,3.0z
You'll notice from the previous 3 maps that the main heat and smoke damage is not located in Canada and the Northwest USA! Smoke from wildfires burning in the western U.S. and Canada has reached the Northeast. The counterclockwise winds are circling around an upper-level low across eastern Canada, pulling down the smoke from Quebec into the Northeast USA. It is expected to persist for the next several days. Hazy skies will be common Thursday, August 29, 2024, especially across New England, as a new push of smoke comes down across the U.S.-Canada border.
As of August 28, 2024, 48 large active wildfires are being managed with full suppression strategies nationwide. Current wildfires have burned 2,103,454 acres. About 17,000 wildland firefighters and support personnel are assigned to wildfires, including 18 complex and one Type 1 incident management teams, 401 crews, 658 engines, 97 helicopters, and one Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System (MAFFS). Evacuation orders are in effect on seven fires.
The Boone Fire was reported Sept. 3 just after noon near the intersection of Highway 198 and Boone Lane on the outskirts of Coalinga, a Central Valley city of about 17,000 people that's 200 miles southeast of San Francisco, according to Cal Fire. Flames are tearing through a landscape of grasses, brush and timber that are all bone-dry and highly flammable at the end of dry summer and amid a spell of hot California weather marked by triple-digit inland heat. The wildfire that ignited in western Fresno County near the Monterey County line doubled in size over the past 24 hours, pumping out massive amounts of smoke and triggering a series of evacuations.
California’s Line Fire threatens 35,000 buildings as residents flee expanding flames. An early-fall heat wave caused humidity levels to drop and temperatures to rise. More than 25 million residents along the West Coast were under heat alerts as many experienced temperatures reaching the triple digits. CAL FIRE reported battling at least nine large blazes that ignited since the beginning of September. The Line Fire burning in San Bernardino County in California exploded in size overnight, scorching more than 17,000 acres as nervous homeowners gathered belongings and fled the area as flames continue to advance and threaten more than 35,000 buildings. "I thank President Biden for his swift approval of support for the work of our firefighters and first responders battling this fire and protecting local communities," Newsom said $$$
Las Vegas sets heat death record. ‘Heat takes lives’: Las Vegas heat has killed more than 100 people in 2024
Rail Ridge wildfire in Oregon consumes over 60,000 acres; closes area of national forest
September 25, 2024. Oregon, WildfireLeave a commenton Oregon forestry out of money after ‘most expensive wildfire season’ in history Wildfires have so far burned nearly 2 million acres of land throughout Oregon this year, the highest annual burned acreage the state’s department of forestry has ever seen and nearly double the 1.1 million acres burned during the notorious 2020 wildfire season. ODF is asking the state’s Emergency Board, which allocates additional funding outside of legislative sessions, for $40 million from its general fund. $$$
Canadian provinces break wildfire emissions records as smoke reaches Europe. (See Map, Hazy sunsets across Europe have record-breaking wildfires burning in Western Canada to blame, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). Wildfire smoke from Canada has been crossing the North Atlantic since Aug. 10 and reached Western Europe on Aug. 17, resulting in high levels of particulate matter and aerosols like smoke particles in Ireland, the United Kingdom, France, and Scandinavia. “Evaluation of the CAMS forecasts against independent Aeronet measurements shows good agreement in the timing and magnitude of the [aerosol optical depth] evaluations at several sites, including Cork in Ireland, Camborne in the United Kingdom, and Brest and Arcachon in France.” The Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba recorded their highest wildfire carbon emissions for any August ever in the service’s Global Fire Assimilation System. 2024 is already one of the most extreme years of the last two decades for Canada and is set to be second only to 2023 in terms of emissions,” CAMS researchers said. “The total estimated wildfire carbon emissions in Northwest Territories from 1 January to 19 August exceed 70 megatons and are only behind 2023 and 2014 in terms of the annual total fire emissions for the territory.
Canadian wildfires in 2023 pumped more heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the air than India did by burning fossil fuels, setting ablaze an area of forest larger than West Virginia. Scientists at the World Resources Institute and the University of Maryland calculated how devastating the impacts were of the months-long fires in Canada in 2023 that sullied the air around large parts of the globe, turning some skies a vivid orange. They figured it put 3.28 billion tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the air. The fire spewed nearly four times the carbon emissions as airplanes do in a year, study authors said. It's about the same amount of carbon dioxide that 647 million cars put in the air in a year, based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data.
Proving Chicken Little Climate Change may be an act of war. Oppressive heat and smoke from Canada and Pacific Northwest fires winds up in the southern 2/3rds of the USA after it rises high at its source then comes down hundreds and thousands of mile away.
Is Canada Attacking the USA? Is it War?
Canada’s 2023 wildfires produced nearly a decade’s worth of blaze emissions. Carbon dioxide from wildfires is a growing source of greenhouse gas emissions
Canadian military's ability to battle forest fires will be limited this year, top general warns
The Trudeau government of Canada has decided that climate alarmism should be at top of mind. To that end, they recently announced $3.3 million in public spending to help educate (indoctrinate) 300,000 children aged six to 12 about climate change and spur them into climate activism. They are intent on raising, it seems, an army of little Thunbergs.
Last year’s Canadian wildfires, which blanketed much of the eastern U.S. in smog, released more carbon emissions than all but three countries worldwide. Not only did the fires burn nearly 4 percent of the country’s forests, but they also generated 647 million metric tons in carbon emissions, quadruple that of the emissions from fossil fuel consumption the same year.
Canadian Wildfire Current Map
Self Proclaimed Scientist calls for Americans to cut off air conditioning in summer, claiming it causes global warming. Climate scientist Stan Cox has also claimed the U.S. military is an 'enemy' when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. Stan Cox is an Ecosphere Fellow at the Land Institute who also believes the U.S. military is an "enemy" to mitigating (Chicken Little) climate change. He wrote a guest essay in the New York Times, "I Swore Off Air-Conditioning, and You Can, Too," claiming that "air-conditioning is making our summers even hotter" due to (Chicken Little) climate change.
Wildfire Smoke and Particulates are Killing Americans! Global Arson is Being Misused, among other reasons, to "Prove" Man Made Climate Change. These wildfires must be stopped before any global tax thief can claim that America must reduce use of gasoline products and pay into NGOs that are really just the pockets of Global Elitists and the Deep State. Such reduction of the powerhouse is a subversive action designed to weaken the American economy, starve out the people through inflation, steal their property, and advocate fear that survival comes through government handouts of the taxpayers' own money, causing a clamor for socialism and the tyranny that goes with it. Forest fires pose significant threats to both local communities and the environment. They destroy habitats, release massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and can lead to long-term soil degradation. (WARNING TIK TOK VIDEO)
Totalitarian Chicken Little Climate Communism: Degrowth holds that there will always be a correlation between economic output and carbon emissions, so the best way to fight chicken little climate change is for wealthy nations to cut back on consumption and reduce the “material throughput” that creates demand for energy and drives GDP. The degrowth movement has swelled in recent years, particularly in Europe and in academic circles. The theory has dramatic implications. Instead of finding carbon-neutral ways to power our luxurious modern lifestyles, degrowth would require us to surrender some material comforts. One leading proponent suggests imposing a hard cap on total national energy use, which would ratchet down every year. Energy-intensive activities might be banned outright or taxed to near oblivion. (Say goodbye, perhaps, to hamburgers, SUVs, and your annual cross-country flight home for the holidays.) You’d probably be prohibited from setting the thermostat too cold in summer or too warm in winter. To keep frivolous spending down, the government might decide which products are “wasteful” and ban advertising for them. Slower growth would require less labor, so the government would shorten the workweek and guarantee a job for every person.
As evidence discredits global warming, resistance to such facts by green elites reveals their real aim is bringing socialism in through the back door. But don't take our word for it. Listen to the climate change boss at the U.N. Global warming alarmists "want to change us, they want to change our behavior, our way of life, our values and preferences," according to a man who knows a thing or two about communist regimes, former Czech President Vaclav Klaus. In a speech to Australia's Institute of Public Affairs in 2011, he stressed: "They want to restrict our freedom because they themselves believe they know what is good for us. They are not interested in climate. They misuse the climate in their goal to restrict our freedom. Therefore, what is in danger is freedom, not the climate."
UN Calls For Businesses To Be Liable For Climate Denial And ‘Misinformation’; calls for countries to impose stricter legal penalties on businesses for contributing to climate change, including legal liability for “misinformation” relating to climate change and a ban of advertising by fossil fuel companies. This should alarm businesses as it seeks to create a clear legal liability for business owners. The result could be class action style lawsuits, like those against the tobacco industry. Additionally, it seeks to create a pathway for international litigation, allowing legal action to originate in countries where the business may have no presence. Additionally, freedom of speech advocates will take issue with the concept of misinformation
Climate Groups Demand Banks Stop Funding “Industrial Livestock Production.” More than 100 climate zealot groups have sent a letter to major U.S. banks insisting that they immediately cease funding “industrial livestock production,” which they claim contributes greatly to the alleged climate crisis. Among the banks targeted with the doomsday propaganda were Bank of America, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase, with they refer to as “the Big 3.” The 105 groups are gathered under the umbrella organization “Friends of the Earth.” Among the groups listed in the Friends of the Earth document are the Center for Biological Diversity, Greenpeace, and the Churchill Fellowship. The letter claims that the banks will never meet their climate commitments unless they immediately stop funding the agriculture industry, which they claim “accelerates climate change, drives catastrophic biodiversity loss, exacerbates food insecurity, and damages animal welfare and human rights.” “Industrial livestock companies are incompatible with a safe future for our planet, so it is time for banks and investors to turn off the taps and stop providing the finance that is enabling them to grow,” said Martin Bowman of Feedback Global, one of the groups listed. “Industrial livestock production is one of the most destructive activities for our planet. By continuing to finance meat, dairy, and feed corporations, banks are complicit in driving climate change and environmental degradation, undermining their own climate commitments. Halting all new financing that enables the expansion of industrial livestock production is one of the most climate-positive actions banks can take,” according to Monique Mikhail, Agriculture & Climate Finance Campaigns Director with Friends of the Earth U.S. “By financing the world’s largest meat, dairy, and feed corporations, global banks are prioritizing corporate gain at the expense of people and the planet,” the letter states. The climate zealots issue demands as if they’re kidnappers and the banks better pay up or risk the consequences.
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and campaigners from the environmental group Extinction Rebellion blocked a small oil terminal that is part of Norway's gas processing plant Kaarstoe on Saturday. Gas exports from Kaarstoe to Europe were not affected, the plant's technical service provider Equinor (EQNR.OL), opens new tab told Reuters. "There are activists trying to block off our oil terminal by sea and some onshore entrances"
NASA artfully reveals that the atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased, without pointing to the burning of fossil fuels; only "human activity." "Most of the warming occurred in the past 40 years, with the seven most recent years being the warmest. The years 2016 and 2020 are tied for the warmest year on record". Thus they claim that "The Evidence for Rapid Climate Change Is Compelling." Not a word is mentioned about manmade wildfires started by arson between 2016 and 2020, and continuing to this day. Clearly this is a deliberate CYA con job!!! The carbon cycle is the process through which carbon is cycled through the air, ground, plants, animals, and fossil fuels. People and animals inhale oxygen from the air and exhale carbon dioxide (CO2), while plants absorb CO2 for photosynthesis and emit oxygen back into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is also exchanged between the atmosphere and the oceans. This natural system of processes keeps CO2 levels in the atmosphere stable over time.
So called "Green Energy" Nonsense Hype: Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Electricity - Over 40% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are due to the burning of fossil fuels for electricity generation, for example, to power electric cars.
Wildfires temporarily change the weather, emitting around 5.3bn tons of CO2 to the atmosphere in 2022 – more than any country contributed from fossil-fuel burning that year, except China.,burning%20that%20year%2C%20except%20China.
When wildfires ignite, they consume vegetation and organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas responsible for hot weather.,The%20Science,and%20contributing%20to%20global%20warming.
Wildfires are from arson and other human activity. The chicken little climate emergency alarmists have seized upon this to start fires which, in turn, make the worldwide temperatures rise, warm the oceans, create floods, drought and hurricanes, and poison the population, making the unintelligent believe in a fossil fuel problem causing man made climate change. Scientists, including those at the World Resources Institute, have been increasingly sounding the alarm about this feedback loop.
Wildfires Affect Weather. Wildfires release large amounts of carbon dioxide, black carbon, brown carbon, and ozone precursors into the atmosphere. These emissions affect radiation, clouds, and weather on regional and even global scales.
Follow the money. As CO2 emissions from supply chains come into focus, this startup is aiming at farms. Startups are starting to tackle these supply chain emissions. For example Clearly recently raised a $4.3 million seed round to tackle the emissions of supply chains associated with transportation. Root Global has now raised an €8 million
UN Report Calls For Businesses To Pay For Climate Change, Restructuring Of Economy
Implicit and explicit subsidies add up to over $7 trillion each year spent in ways that have unintended, harmful effects that are undermining our efforts to tackle (chicken little) climate change. To put that big number into context: this is about eight percent of the value of the global economy.
According to federal data cited by the National Park Service, humans cause about 85 percent of all wildfires yearly in the United States. Hydrogen Cyanide: The Real Killer Among Fire Gases. Smoke that is present during a structure fire is composed of several irritating, toxic and asphyxiant chemicals, depending on the materials that are burning. These chemicals may include hydrochloric acid, ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen cyanide. According the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), smoke is the killer in 60% to 80% of all fire deaths. Recent research has revealed that hydrogen cyanide present in smoke generated at building fires may play a more significant role in injuries and deaths of firefighters and civilians than once thought.
The majority of fire-related deaths are caused by smoke inhalation of the toxic gases produced by fires.,toxic%20gases%20produced%20by%20fires.
The Latest Data Confirms: Forest Fires Are Getting Worse. Record-setting forest fires are becoming the norm, with 2020, 2021 and 2023 marking the fourth, third and first worst years for global forest wildfires
Fires in natural areas caused 8.6 billion tons of CO2 emissions worldwide between March 2023 and February 2024 -- 16 percent above average. Only a relatively calm fires season in the African savannah prevented the 2023-2024 season from breaking a fresh record for CO2 emissions at the global level.,emissions%20at%20the%20global%20level
The wildfires that Canada experienced during 2023 have generated the highest carbon emissions in record for this country
Wildfires in 2021 emitted a record-breaking amount of carbon dioxide
The oceans are extremely warm right now. Worldwide, average ocean temperatures were in record-breaking territory for 15 months straight since last April. That’s bad news on multiple fronts. Abnormally hot ocean water helps fuel dangerous hurricanes, like Hurricane Ernesto, which is expected to rapidly gain strength this week in the Atlantic, and like Hurricane Debby, which dumped massive amounts of rain along the East Coast of the U.S. last week. And when the water gets too hot, fish and other marine species also struggle to survive. For example, the ocean water near Florida is so warm that it’s threatening coral reefs. Humans continue to burn forests that release heat-trapping gasses into the atmosphere, and most of that extra heat is absorbed by the oceans. Ocean temperatures have been steadily rising for decades. The cyclic hot weather pattern El Niño is also partly to blame. When El Niño is happening, there’s warmer water in part of the Pacific, and that generally means the weather is slightly warmer overall. In 2023 and the first part of 2024, El Niño was happening and it caused global average temperatures to rise, including in the oceans.
What's being done about the increase in flood events in Vermont? As Earth heats up due to the increasing amount of heat-trapping gases in its atmosphere (from wildfire smoke and heat), the warmer air can hold more moisture. For every degree of warming, air can hold 4% more water vapor. This boosts the water cycle, which leads to more extreme rainfall events.
More than 80 million people at risk for strong storms or excessive heat. Dangerous and severe weather across the country: A strong storm hit northern Alabama with ferocious winds that had people running for cover. In South Carolina, two people drowned as rip currents closed beaches up and down the east coast. More than 80 million people are at risk for either rain, wind, flooding or excessive heat.
Urban wildfires pose a serious threat to water quality and aquatic life, research shows. For humans, contaminated watersheds can compromise drinking-water sources by requiring extensive water treatment or even making some water supplies temporarily unusable.
Wildfire Smoke Linked To Rise In Childhood Asthma. Wildfire smoke in California has been linked with a 76% increase in the rate of asthma exacerbations for children, according to a new analysis. The study by researchers from Stanford University and the technology company Komodo Health also found wildfire smoke led to a 27% increase in the number of asthma-related visits to emergency departments for children during the Butte County wildfire in 2018.
Extreme heat is linked to pregnancy complications, including stillbirths and miscarriages — and the risk is growing. Our warming planet is putting those who are pregnant at higher risk — and the impacts go far beyond heat-related illnesses. Research shows that along with the dangers presented to the general population, extreme heat puts pregnant people — and their unborn fetuses — at risk of life-threatening conditions.
Flash flooding leaves at least 2 reportedly dead in Connecticut, stranding drivers and flooding roads across Northeast
A buildup of flammable plant materials across large areas of the forest landscape is used by arsonists. As forest fuels accumulate, the forest structure changes, leading to greater continuity of fuels between the ground surface and the upper tree canopies. This altered structure provides “ladders” for wildfire to climb up into the tree tops. Where trees are densely packed, the fire can spread from tree to tree. Weather and an abundance of forest floor material.
“We have seen an increasing trend in the past 20 years of days when high levels of both particulate matter and ozone are occurring simultaneously...This is tied to two things: more wildfires and increases in the types of weather patterns that cause both wildfires and hot weather.” Co-occurring events were defined as days that registered in both the top 10 percent in particulate matter levels and the top 10 percent in ozone. The researchers found that annual population exposure to these extreme combined episodes is increasing by approximately 25 million person-days a year, a figure that counts both the number of people affected and the number of days they were impacted by air pollution.
Humans cause nearly 90% of wildfires in the United states via discarded cigarettes, unattended campfires, burning debris, or through equipment malfunctions. Although less common, wildfires can also occur though non-human phenomena, such as lightning strikes and volcanic eruptions.,lightning%20strikes%20and%20volcanic%20eruptions.
According to the National Park Service, human-caused wildfires account for around 80 to 90 percent of all reported wildfires. Wildfires can affect the physical, chemical, and biological quality of streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. These changes are noticeable for years and even decades after a fire. The first and greatest impact of wildfires is a significant increase in storm water runoff. With the loss of vegetation during a wildfire, the soil becomes hydrophobic (tending to repel or failing to mix with water). Under normal conditions, plant life slows precipitation down once it hits the landscape and lets it gradually seep into the ground. After a fire, foliage-free soil doesn’t absorb water easily. These burn scars increase runoff and provide a pathway for the transport of debris and sediment to rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations from burned foliage run into the water and lead to algal blooms resulting in fluctuations in oxygen or oxygen depletion in downstream waterbodies. Lastly, post-fire flash floods introduce high levels of heavy metals from ash, soils, and geologic sources into waterways. Wildfires can compromise water quality both during active burning, and for months and years after the fire has been contained.,significant%20increase%20in%20stormwater%20runoff.
Video. The Late Congressman Larry McDonald on Crossfire in 1983 Discusses the New World Order plan for One World Government (which arson-caused wildfires will help to establish by chicken little climate change propaganda to erase sovereign borders). Regrettably, shortly after this interview, Dr. McDonald, an outspoken anti-communist and chairman of the educational organization the John Birch Society, vanished under bizarre circumstances. On September 1, 1983, he boarded Korean Airlines flight 007, bound for South Korea. The civilian airliner allegedly veered into Russian airspace. The Soviets then shot the plane down, killing all 269 on board
Video: "The Shadows of Power". The rise of the Shadow Government (Deep State) and the history of the push for a New World Order
Establishment Horse Manure. Spinning Chicken Little Climate Change to enslave Americans per "The Shadows of Power" video above. This project was made possible in part by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Makes you want to vomit!
Video: California is relying on herds of goats to put out Southern California wildfires and asks for more money for the problem. That's right, I said it! It's genius.
The Cool Down (TCD) is a "pay to play" climate propaganda saturation content company on a mission to scare Americans over a fossil fuel driven climate crisis. TCD builds scare about climate storytelling on the web and social media. Founded by Bleacher Report co-founder Dave Finocchio and former ABC News executive Anna Robertson, TCD is aiming to become America’s first mainstream climate brand. TCD features climate "innovation", heroes, advice, and sustainable product guides. TCD’s content team focuses on climate storytelling - climate innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable (non innovative) trends and products. If you have a great story about a climate hero, whether it’s your neighbor, a scientist, or an executive, "drop us a line" they say. And if you have a great sustainable product or solution you’d like us to feature, reach out to our team. The articles from the TCD source have an agenda to promote the scary belief that there is a climate crisis as a result of the use of fossil fuels (target of the totalitarian Deep State and the greatest benefit to the US economy!)
We thank TCD for this: ‘Eco-chaplains’ are helping individuals process their ‘climate grief’: NPR report. The American Psychological Association classifies 'climate anxiety' as a 'chronic fear of environmental doom' that has affected most Americans. "Today, there are chaplains working at the intersection of climate, grief and spirituality in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and Canada. Most develop their own ways of addressing the issue, from one-on-one therapy sessions to online climate grief circles and in-person support groups," NPR reported.
With arsonists to blame, you can't blame so-called climate change for wildfires. It's a reversal of cause and effect commonly used by totalitarian propagandists. Poor management of forest floor debris, combined with intentionally set forest fires, CAUSE massive out of control wildfires, heat and smoke particulates, creating an increase in the heat dome over the United States. This helps to artificially prove climate change but in reality, it is devastating and killing 100 million Americans with the smoke and heat. However, if you are devious and evil, like the Deep State, you can fool the people into believing in man made climate change with the heat and poor air quality of wildfire smoke they breathe and feel, blaming it on fossil fuel use instead of the ARSON the Deep State is using to start the fires!!! Simply reverse stated cause and effect and fool the dumb people who are too dumb to know they are dumb!!! Look at the wildfires in Athens Greece and worldwide. The East Attica Fire burning near Greece’s capital city of Athens triggered the evacuation of thousands across the region. The fire started burning August 11, 2024 near the northeast city of Marathon before rapidly spreading southward toward Athens overnight, according to the (Orwellian) Hellenic Republic’s Ministry for the Chicken Little Climate Crisis and Civil Protection.
Totalitarian Chicken Little Climate Communism: Degrowth holds that there will always be a correlation between economic output and carbon emissions, so the best way to fight chicken little climate change is for wealthy nations to cut back on consumption and reduce the “material throughput” that creates demand for energy and drives GDP. The degrowth movement has swelled in recent years, particularly in Europe and in academic circles. The theory has dramatic implications. Instead of finding carbon-neutral ways to power our luxurious modern lifestyles, degrowth would require us to surrender some material comforts. One leading proponent suggests imposing a hard cap on total national energy use, which would ratchet down every year. Energy-intensive activities might be banned outright or taxed to near oblivion. (Say goodbye, perhaps, to hamburgers, SUVs, and your annual cross-country flight home for the holidays.) You’d probably be prohibited from setting the thermostat too cold in summer or too warm in winter. To keep frivolous spending down, the government might decide which products are “wasteful” and ban advertising for them. Slower growth would require less labor, so the government would shorten the workweek and guarantee a job for every person.
A ‘clean energy’ disaster looms off our coasts. A recent mishap off the coast of Nantucket, an island in Massachusetts, underscores yet another reason why hundreds or thousands of monstrous wind turbines should not be permitted in America’s coastal waters. Shards, chunks and finally the rest of a turbine blade fell into the ocean.
US Squandering Billions on Unproven Climate Solutions. Governments have handed out almost $30 billion in subsidies for carbon capture and fossil hydrogen over the past 40 years, with hundreds of billions potentially up for grabs through new incentives. The United States and other governments have little to show for these massive investments in carbon capture—none of the demonstration projects have lived up to their initial hype
ADB to devote half its lending to climate finance by 2030. The lender said the new goal is a big jump from the current 35% ambition and comes with a dollar-based target of $100 billion in cumulative climate finance between 2019 and 2030, with only $30 billion contributed so far.
Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality.
The gases emitted by wildfires, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, contribute to air pollution and climate change. Wildfire smoke can also contain volatile organic compounds, which are chemicals that can have both short-term and long-term health effects. These chemicals can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, while others can cause more serious health problems, including damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. Wildfire smoke has a significant impact on air quality, posing risks to both human health and the environment. In the event of a wildfire in your vicinity, it is likely you will be advised to stay indoors to avoid exposure to smoke. However, smoke can also enter the home and affect indoor air quality. Wildfire smoke contains harmful pollutants, such as particulate matter. Particulate matter poses a significant health risk as these fine particles can easily enter the respiratory system, causing respiratory issues, aggravating existing conditions like asthma, and increasing the risk of heart and lung diseases. The combination of pollutants in the air reduces air quality, making it unsafe to breathe for extended periods.,-Wildfire%20smoke%20is&text=The%20gases%20emitted%20by%20wildfires,atmosphere%2C%20leading%20to%20global%20warming.
Wildfire smoke is a mixture of hazardous air pollutants, such PM2.5, NO2, ozone, aromatic hydrocarbons, or lead. In addition to contaminating the air with toxic pollutants, wildfires also simultaneously impact the weather by releasing large quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Beyond the human and societal impacts, wildfires also affect the Earth's weather. Forests in particular store large amounts of carbon. When they burn, they immediately release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which in turn contributes to climate change.,turn%20contributes%20to%20climate%20change.
'Corruptly influencing the courts': Climate justice group that trains federal judges under scrutiny. The new report released by the American Energy Institute (AEI) alleges that the Environmental Law Institute’s Climate Judiciary Project (CJP) is "falsely portraying itself as a neutral entity teaching judges about questionable climate science." The report also alleges that CJP is a partner to more than two dozen public plaintiffs suing energy providers to hold them liable for damages resulting from climate change effects. To date, CJP has trained more than 2,000 state and federal judges, the report says.
Chicken Little: "The Sky is Falling!"
"Follow the (Climate Change) Money: Worldwide the numbers are gargantuan. Five years ago, a leftist group called the Climate Policy Initiative issued a study which found that “Global investment in climate change” reached $359 billion that year. Then to give you a sense of how money-hungry these planet-saviors are, the CPI moaned that this spending “falls far short of what’s needed” a number estimated at $5 trillion. Really? The greatest minds of the world entrusted with hundreds of billions of dollars can only come up with a solution that would entail the largest government power grab in world history, shutting down industrial production (just look at the catastrophe in Germany when they went all in for green energy), and throwing perhaps billions of human beings into poverty? If that’s the remedy, I will take my chances on a warming planet...“A lot of people are getting really, really rich off of the climate change industry.”
MONETIZE CARBON TO CREATE MONEY!!! StanChart to offer first commercial debt to carbon credit firm after BA commitment. "We need a technological solution that can scale, allowing carbon dioxide removals to become affordable across the market and deliver the net in net-zero," said StanChart's Chris Leeds, head of carbon markets development. "This transaction puts money into a project today in an efficient way, through upfront bank finance."
Tax and Spend Again. Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 ( The Inflation Reduction Act invests $369 billion for Energy Security and Climate Change for grants, technical assistance and tools, including carbon labeling, to help manufacturers, institutional buyers, real estate developers, builders and others measure, report and substantially lower the levels of embodied carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions (,and%20other%20greenhouse%20gas%20emissions), see also, Summary of Act,
09/19/2024. The Department of the Interior today announced nearly $1.3 million in awards through a pilot program to strengthen local governments’ wildfire response by converting vehicles to wildland fire engines. Authorized by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Slip-on Tanker Pilot Program is helping small, remote emergency response agencies quickly expand their wildfire response capacity as they continue to face the devastating impacts of climate change, drought and intensifying wildfires. $$$ The funding announced today was awarded to 21 local emergency response agencies in 10 states. The recipients serve communities with a moderate to high wildfire risk, as determined by the Wildfire Risk to Communities tool. Local governments that provide emergency services to areas with a population of 25,000 or less are eligible to receive grants ranging from $10,000 to $200,000. The funding announced today is part of nearly $1.1 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding allocated by Interior since the law’s enactment to address wildfire risk on public and Tribal lands and to better support federal wildland firefighters. A second round of grant opportunities will be announced this fall.
Fourteen attorneys general from U.S. states and the District of Columbia are urging the federal government to recognize extreme heat and wildfire smoke as major disasters.
More than 1 trillion microbes live inside the average tree trunk Raging wildfires are burning across parts of the western U.S. and Canada, pushing thousands of people to flee their homes and forcing Canada to call up the military to help. In addition to the physical devastation the flames are causing, researchers are getting a clearer picture of just how dangerous all that toxic smoke is to human health. How massive wildfires in the West spread harmful particles across North America. See video,
Fast-moving brush fire destroys homes east of Los Angeles. According to CAL FIRE, nearly 780,000 acres have burned across California since the start of the year. The figure is nearly four times higher than the typical year-to-date total of around 200,000 acres. The Park Fire in Northern California is responsible for the majority of the acres burned in 2024.
Hundreds evacuate after massive fires surge across thousands of acres: 'A struggle across the entire Western United States'
Durkee Fire becomes one of largest blazes in Oregon history
More than 400 wildfires are burning across B.C. as of Saturday evening, according to the BCWS.
Portugal declares a state of calamity as wildfires rage out of control. The European Copernicus satellite service said that over 15,000 hectares (37,000 acres) were scorched and a combined 13 kilometers (8 miles) of fire fronts were detected
Police in Chile have arrested a former firefighter on suspicion of contributing to a deadly forest fire which killed 137 people in February. The suspect worked for Chile's National Service for Disaster Prevention and served as a volunteer firefighter at the time that several fires spread through the Valparaíso region. The two others, another firefighter and a park ranger, have been in custody since May.
Video: Wildfire Threatens Homes In Sydney, September 21, 2024. As a wildfire roared dangerously close to homes and an aged care facility in New South Wales, Australia, brave firefighters battled intense smoke and flames in an effort to protect the community.
Schools keep kids indoors on smokey days. Researchers wonder if the air is any better inside.
An emergency notification from the government of Alberta on July 23 announced that more than 160 fires across the province prompted the evacuation of 7,500 residents. While lightning caused half of them, human activity, like neglected campfires, downed power lines, and arson, was responsible for the other half.
About 2,100 miles away, Detroit resident Toyia Watts spent weeks of last summer enveloped in a murk of Canadian wildfire smoke. ‘We were not prepared’: Canada fought nightmarish wildfires as smoke became US problem
A growing body of scientific evidence links wildfire smoke exposure to various health effects. There is evidence of an increase in the risk of both cardiovascular and respiratory-related effects in response to wildfire smoke exposure, particularly as the intensity of wildfire smoke increases.
Exposure to smoke can also increase your risk for long-term (chronic) health effects. People who live in areas with higher fine particulate air pollution and those who breathe air containing fine particles over long periods have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Frequent exposure to smoke even for brief periods can also increase your risk for long-term health effects,have%20changes%20in%20heart%20function.
Wildfire smoke can also cause more serious effects, like triggering asthma attacks. When PM2.5 levels increase, studies have shown that heart and lung issues tend to increase as well.
Older people, children, and pregnant women are most at risk due to wildfire smoke. This translates to just more than 100 million Americans
Smaller particles can seep deep into your lungs or even your blood and cause long-term damage. Wildfire smoke is probably harming your brain. Studies have shown that smoke doesn’t just affect the lungs — it may also increase the risk of dementia, cognitive challenges or mental health issues.
Wildfire smoke exposure can affect you whether you're near a blaze, or if the winds spread smoke hundreds of miles away. Certain pollutants impact human health. These include ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. Wildfires create massive amounts of particle pollution or particulate matter (PM). PM refers to the size of the particles. PM2.5 and PM10 are two types of PM that wildfires can create that are small enough for you to inhale. They can get into your eyes, too. PM2.5 means the particles are 2.5 microns or smaller; PM10 means they're smaller than 10 microns. Wildfire smoke is especially dangerous because it can create ultrafine particles smaller than 0.1 micron which can go deep into your lungs and into your bloodstream. As a comparison, a human hair is 70 microns across. It can also raise your risk for premature death. These are some of the biggest risks from wildfire smoke.
Exposure to the carcinogenic chemical called hexavalent chromium, during and after wildfires can increase risks of lung, sinus and nasal cavity cancers
If you’re unfortunate enough to breathe wildfire smoke, you’re getting a lungful of charred plant material, noxious gases, and—if the fire tore through human structures—incinerated synthetic materials. All across the board, it’s bad stuff, proven to be a severe detriment to human health, particularly for those with respiratory conditions like asthma. And not to pile on the worries, but that haze also turns out to be loaded with microbes like bacteria and fungi.
Not only are wildfires happening every summer, but they’re also happening multiple times every summer. These kinds of repeated exposure scenarios are what may lead to diseases like cancer. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) signaling pathway: Dysfunction of this pathway is one of the main cascading events that leads to the development and progression of lymphoma.
Park Fire is now the 4th largest in California history as statewide wildfire activity surged 2,816%. As of July 30, 2024, wildfires have scorched a staggering 751,327 acres across California. n 2023, there were 3,746 fires burning 25,763 acres through July 30. Park Fire grows by more than 12,000 acres; new evacuation orders in Tehama County. As of August 6, 2024, the fourth-largest wildfire in state history has increased to burn 414,042 acres. Containment on the blaze remains at 34%.
Researchers warn of threat expected to linger after California Park Fire — here's how it could impact the country
Wildfire smoke from Canada has clouded much of the Northeast, leaving millions of Americans exposed to unhealthy levels of particulate matter. Particulate matter (PM) is made up of tiny pieces of solid or liquid in the air including dust, dirt, soot and smoke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Inhaled particles are typically categorized into two groups: PM10 and PM2.5 – the number representing the size across the particle in micrometers. These particles are invisible to the human eye. The diameter of a human hair is almost 30 times larger than one of these smaller particles. While larger particles may irritate your eyes, nose and throat, smaller particles pose an even greater threat. They can seep deep into your lungs or even your blood and cause long-term damage. If you're elderly, you can get more strokes and heart attacks. Over time, it can lead to increased cancer. Some of the immediate effects include coughing, trouble breathing, a scratchy throat and chest pain, according to the CDC.
CDC finds smoke from Canadian wildfires spiked ER visits in U.S. Video:
Since July 22, 2024 what became the area’s biggest fire in a century has caused a wave of destruction in the Canadian national park.
In a study published in June 2022, Heaney et al found that “smoke event” days — those with the highest amounts of particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) from wildfires — were linked to increases in unscheduled hospital visits in California for all respiratory diseases (3.3%; 95% CI, 0.4%-6.3%) as well as asthma specifically (10.3%; 95% CI, 2.3%-19.0%), with the largest effect observed among children ages 0 to 5 years with asthma. A 2018 study analyzed data pertaining to 21,353 inpatient hospitalizations, 25,922 ED presentations, and 297,698 outpatient visits during periods of heightened smoke exposure from the 2007 San Diego wildfires. Several studies have investigated the health effects of wildfire smoke and have linked smoke exposure to respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and birth outcomes such as preterm birth and low birth weight.
Time for a Second American Revolution Against the UK? Americans Have an Unalienable Right to Free Speech, That's why We Can Discuss Wildfires Here Irrespective of Collectivist Chicken Little Climate Change Dogma
Ron Paul: "As the UK descends into tyranny, where just re-Tweeting something the government doesn’t like can land a person a multi-year jail sentence, Americans are wondering, “can it happen here?” After all, we have the guarantees of the First Amendment. The answer is that silencing dissent can happen here and it is happening here."
Global Tyranny that was Rejected by the Declaration of Independence with the American Revolutionary War: UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts (even if made by US citizens ON US soil!): 'We'll come after you' 'Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law' the police commissioner warned. 'Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law' the police commissioner warned, says King Charles III' police commissioner spokesperson
Video. No Place to Hide narrated by G. Edward Griffin. The strategy and tactics of terrorism and vicious atrocities in the rise of the Totalitarian State or Communism
Our Declaration of Independence: He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures...He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people...He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation...For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences...For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighboring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies
EXTRADITION TREATY BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Parties agree to extradite to each other, pursuant to the provisions of this Treaty, persons sought by the authorities in the Requesting State for trial or punishment for extraditable offenses. This is completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
It Violates Fifth Amendment "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of (USA) law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
The UK Lacks Subject Matter Jursidiction: The power of a court to hear and decide a particular type of case or matter. Typically, subject matter jurisdiction derives from a federal or state constitution, and the specific parameters of a court's subject matter jurisdiction are defined by the federal or state legislature. State court subject matter jurisdiction includes the civil and criminal laws enacted by a court's own state. State courts can also hear some cases that arise under federal law, unless Congress has reserved exclusive subject matter jurisdiction to the federal courts. For example, patent disputes and federal immigration violations can be heard only in federal courts. State laws often limit the subject matter jurisdiction of certain state courts. Small claims courts are a good example. They have subject matter jurisdiction only when a relatively low amount of money is in dispute—usually in the range of $2,000 to $10,000. Federal courts have subject matter jurisdiction over civil and criminal laws enacted by Congress. Federal courts can also hear cases involving state laws in some circumstances. For instance, if a state law is challenged on the ground that it violates the U.S. Constitution, a federal court can decide that case. If parties from different states have a case that involves state law, a federal court can hear the case if the amount in dispute is more than $75,000. Parties can't consent to subject matter jurisdiction. If subject matter jurisdiction doesn't exist, a court has no choice but to dismiss the case.
The Supreme Court has consistently rejected the claim defining “hate speech” as “Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.” For example, in the 2016 Matal v. Tam decision, the court stressed that this precise position “strikes at the heart of the First Amendment. Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express ‘the thought that we hate.'” UK censorship on display! "Schools to teach how to (think) spot fake news, misinformation after UK riots English classes could teach students how to identify legitimate news sources
The Effects of Wildfire Smoke on Asthma and Allergy
According to federal data cited by the National Park Service, humans cause about 85 percent of all wildfires yearly in the United States. The Annual 2022 Wildfires Report from the National Centers for Environmental Information indicates that over 7.5 million acres of wildland were consumed by fire that year. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, Texas leads the country with the most wildfires and Alaska leads the county with the most acres burned.  California-specific charts below on the Top 10 largest, most destructive, and deadliest wildfires.
PORTLAND, Maine, Aug 14, 2024 — The Maine Department of Environmental Protection has issued an air quality alert for the state's northern region due to the large plume of smoke from various Canadian wildfires that has pushed into New England. The Maine DEP said sensitive people (those with respiratory issues such as asthma and COPD, infants, and older adults) should consider reducing prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors and watch for symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath. The Shasta County Air Quality Management District urged people to take precautions Wednesday, saying certain areas may experience higher concentrations of smoke based on proximity to wildfires, time of day, topography, and current weather conditions.
October 3, 2024. ‘Unprecedented’ Wyoming wildfire expands evacuations and burns nearly 50,000 acres. Also, wildfires have recently burned more and more acres throughout the world’s arctic regions, causing unprecedented permafrost thawing and soil drying, according to a recent study published in Nature Communications.
Hollywood Burbank Airport in the Los Angeles area matched its all-time high temperature with a reading of 114, according to the National Weather Service in Oxnard, California, which set its own record high for the date of 99. Downtown Los Angeles tied its record high for the date at 111, it said. Santa Ana (113) and Newport Beach (95) in Orange County and Ramona (114) in San Diego County set new records for the date, weather service numbers show.
‘Exceptionally dangerous’ wildfire with 80-foot flames rages around Athens, August 12, 2024. Greek authorities ordered mass evacuations in more than a dozen areas, spanning several Athens suburbs, as the fire spread out of control.
Why is the sky hazy? Wildfire smoke becoming noticeable in Massachusetts again
Bucktail Fire, Aug 08, 2024, burning near Nucla in southwestern Colorado grows to 4,206 acres Wildfire burning in Colorado’s Western Slope remains 10% contained
HAMILTON, Idaho, August 13, 2014 — A wildfire burning along the Salmon River southwest of Darby in Idaho has now burned nearly 2,500 acres.
Wildfire quickly spreads toward isolated Idaho town (see Image,, but massive smoke plumes restrict help from aircraft. The Wapiti Fire has burned 68,123 acres of the Boise National Forest in Idaho as of Monday morning, August 26, 2024, according to Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team officials. Aerial help is largely restricted as massive smoke plumes bellow into the sky. Wyoming wildfire to grow ‘significantly’ after nearly quadrupling in size. Officials first reported the fire on Aug. 17 at just five acres, but quickly ballooned to 2,250 acres on Monday, August 26, 2024. USFS officials blame high winds for the spread, and warn the fire may grow even more.
The number of fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest region for the month of August 2024 surged to the highest level since 2010. Satellites detected 38,266 fire hotspots in the Amazon in August 2024, more than double compared to the previous year
Bolivia declares national emergency due to forest fires. South America is in the throes of its peak fire season, that spans August and September, after an unusually early fire season started devastating the country in July following a drought. Bolivia's firefighting forces are stretched thin and the government has called for international aid. $$$ Defense minister Edmundo Novillo said the national emergency would allow the country to quickly coordinate international support. $$$ "This will allow us to have more agile and effective support from friendly countries and from international cooperation (aka World Socialism)" $$$
Biden's race to spend billions of climate bucks. Last week's announcements alone included $100 million from the bipartisan infrastructure and climate laws to hone extreme weather and climate forecasting at NOAA and $300 million from the EPA for greenhouse gas emissions reductions in tribal communities. One of the more vulnerable programs, according to experts outside the government, is the EPA's multibillion-dollar greenhouse gas reduction fund, which seeks to catalyze spending from the private sector.
Arson (Not Climate Change)
California fire agency worker faces arson charges. An employee of California's state fire protection agency has been arrested on suspicion of starting five forest fires in recent weeks. He is suspected of igniting the blazes while off duty in three areas of northern California between 15 August and 14 September. Another firefighter is alleged to have started one major wildfire - dubbed the Line Fire - which burned through 61 square miles (158 square kilometers) of the San Bernardino mountains east of Los Angeles.
Man accused of starting destructive NorCal wildfire by throwing firework out car window
Brazilian Authorities Launch Arson Probes as Wildfires Rage. Federal Police started 31 investigations, arrested two people. Military planes dispatched to help combat the blazes
Video: Drone footage shows massive wildfire ravaging Brazil's capital forest. The blaze has been cloaking the city in clouds of smoke. According to local officials, the fire may have been started by arsonists.
Oroville man caused Thompson Fire that destroyed 13 homes by throwing fireworks from car, DA says
Smoke from wildfires in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest August 28, 2024 was causing people in the region to cough, burning their throats and reddening their eyes. Large swaths of the country have been draped in smoke, resulting from fires raging across the Amazon, Cerrado savannah, Pantanal wetland and the state of Sao Paulo. Residents are feeling the sting, including Fátima Silva, a 60-year-old farmer in the Amazonian town of Labrea: “I am not well. I am feeling short of breath, my throat hurts, my eyes need eye drops, I can’t go out on the street, I can’t go anywhere because everything is white with smoke." Her grandchildren are coughing so much they can hardly sleep. “My grandchildren, my children, everyone is getting sick. Today it got even worse. No one can stand it.” In the Amazon, there have been 53,620 fire spots between Jan. 1 and Aug. 27, an 83% increase from the same period last year. “It’s not normal. I’ve lived here for 40 years. We didn’t have this before,” said another resident
LARIMER COUNTY, Colo., Aug. 09, 2024 — The Alexander Mountain Fire, which has burned more than 9,600 acres in Larimer County, was human caused, according to the United States Forest Service.
A Canadian man who posted conspiracy theories on social media claiming the government was deliberately starting wildfires has pleaded guilty to starting 14 blazes that forced hundreds of people from their homes. A former criminal justice professor who set at least seven fires during a record-breaking 2021 fire season — including one fire near the Dixie Fire — was sentenced last week to five years and three months in prison.
California man accused of starting California’s Park Fire is charged with arson
The California man under arrest for arson was accused of starting the state's largest wildlife of the year by pushing a burning car into a gully as other fires scorched the Pacific Northwest.
Authorities have arrested Pao Xiong, 68, of Oakhurst, on 14 felony counts of arson in connection with 14 fires on Deadwood Mountain that burned 11 acres and four structures. Xiong was arrested at a residence in Fresno and booked into Madera County Jail. He faces 14 felony counts of arson.
Man charged with arson after three fires lit in Nelson (Vancouver Canada) Authorities arrest former firefighter for allegedly igniting deadly forest fire in Chile: 'We are very dismayed by the situation' Several Brazil wildfires started by arson kill 2 people, plague nearly 50 cities (See Map,,-49.4509,7z/date=2024-08-23,09:30,-4/overlays=heat,fires). At least two people have died and a total of 48 cities in Brazil’s State of São Paulo are under a “maximum” wildfire alert after arsonists started several fires across the state, according to government officials. More than 7,300 firefighters are working to stop the wildfires
August 30, 2024, the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office said a suspected arsonist, Lacy Young, 41, was arrested in connection with three fires in Placerville, California on Thursday.
“The wings of vengeance” are drones that can burn enemy positions with “an accuracy that no other weapon can achieve.”
How wildfire smoke can impact your heart and lungs
Wildfire smoke from Canada expected to impact Colorado air quality
Canadian Wildfire Smoke Pollutes The Twin Cities With America's Worst Air Quality
CTV National News | Saturday, July 27, 2024: Military arrives in Alberta as stark images emerge
Canadian wildfire smoke returns; his summer worse than 2023 for our air quality
San Bernardino fire
Illegal Immigration
Is there a connection between the last three years of record illegal immigration from enemy nations and the worst three years of wildfires? Who is starting all these fires like they were silent nuclear bombs, killing Americans?
GAO Report: Illegal Aliens Start Forest Fires
Communist illegal immigrant surge at US southern border ‘proves our worst fears’: lawmakers. Encounters of communist nationals have spiked by more than 6,000% since 2021
The Trojan Horse at the Southern Border: Malign Infiltration
“They’re coming in from a communist enemy country — 31, 32,000 over the last few months — and they’re all military age and they mostly are men” ...And it sounds like to me, are they trying to build a little army in our country? Is that what they’re trying to do?” Former President.
An illegal alien who was caught attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border admitted to officials that he was part of a terrorist group.
Sen. Steve Daines of Montana visited the Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas Wednesday to learn how people were traveling through sometimes more than a dozen countries to get to the United States and was alarmed by the number of people coming into the country, particularly those who could not be chased down. “Since the first of October, 2023, Border Patrol agents have apprehended individuals from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya. Malaysia, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Yemen ...This is just in the last 10 days.”
“Yes, my brother, it is that weapon which is within reach of every hand and even children are proficient using it, and people have used it since ancient times to harm their enemies — yes, it is fire.” Terrorist Video Urges Arson as ‘Five-Star’ Terror Tactic, Shows California Burning
Canada moves to limit immigration amid strained relations with US
Potential Remedial Measures
Video: Laser Weapons. These impressive air, sea and ground mounted lasers can be used to start wildfires in complete secret. They can also be used to put them out by encircling the wildfire with forest area that is burned by the laser creating a buffer zone that will cause the fire to eventually burn itself out rather than continue to spread
Sweden Dropped a Laser-Guided Bomb on a Forest Fire. The Swedish Air Force has declared war on a new, homegrown enemy: forest fires. Sweden dispatched two Gripen fighters to bomb forest fires, snuffing out flames with blast waves. As weird as it sounds, it actually works, and you’ve probably done something like it yourself. Scientists describe the effect is described as similar to blowing out candles on a birthday cake. The Swedish Air Force launched a flight of Gripen fighter bombers loaded with GBU-49 laser guided bombs. The Gripens dropped one bomb at an altitude of 9,800 feet. The bomb exploded on target, extinguishing flames up to 100 yards from the impact point. How does it work? A sudden change of pressure will blow the flames of a fire off its fuel source, in this case burning trees, brush, and undergrowth. The same thing happens when you blow out the candles on a birthday cake, separating the flames of the candle from the wick. Engineers use the same principle, utilizing explosive charges, to extinguish fires at oil wells. Here’s a video of the bombing.
Wildfires spread as long as burnable organic matters fuel them, such as grasses and trees. When there is nothing more to burn, fires will put out naturally. Here, I would propose to fight “fire by fire” or by Laser using specific Laser devices to immediately and punctually carbonize a narrow zone in front of crawling wildfires to create a protective area that will stop fires from further propagation when the fire reaches the Laser-carbonized zone. Empirical studies will be required to determine the best conditions of Laser intensity, wavelength, and period of Laser irradiation that would be required to only carbonize organic matters in narrow targeted zone without spreading fire further.
Copyright © 2024 by David William Jedell

Death and Disease by Stealth Right Now by Wildfire Smoke and Heat Affecting 100 Million Americans. Proven Here: Arson (and to a Much Lesser Extent other Human Cause) not Chicken Little Climate Change, is to Blame!

By David William Jedell Updated October 16, 2024 Fable : Chicken Little Video I.Q. Test:...