Thursday, August 1, 2024

Apparent Arson-Caused Wildfire Smoke and Heat Affecting Millions of Americans. Virtually Proven Here that Wildfires are Not Caused by Climate Change, but Wildfires Actually Cause Hot Weather that Heats the Earth's Atmosphere

By David William Jedell Updated January 4, 2025
Fable : Chicken Little Fictional Video for Your Entertainment
Virtual Proof: Arson (and a small amount of negligent human cause) is to blame
What is the ignition temperature of plant matter? 450 Fahrenheit!!! Average ignition temperatures were species dependent, ranging from 227°C to 453°C, with a large degree of scatter from leaf to leaf. Correlations of time to ignition and ignition temperature were made, but showed only a weak dependence on leaf thickness and almost no dependence on mass of moisture in the leaf.
See also,
Hypothetical I.Q. Test: You are in your living room and it's getting very hot. You keep putting more logs on the active fireplace. Q: Did the living room heat cause the fire in the fireplace, or did the fireplace heat up the living room?
Hypothetical Answer: Chicken Little Climate Change DEFINITELY DOES NOT COMPLETELY CAUSE WILDFIRES!!! On the contrary, wildfires cause the atmosphere to heat up and produces billions of tons of CO2 and Toxic Smoke and Particulates. (Opinion: Virtually a Reversal of Cause and Effect)
Arson is the criminal act of deliberately or maliciously setting fire to property including public lands with the intent to damage or defraud. Devices and “hot sets” are commonly used to ignite fires. Arson is a felony, punishable by imprisonment of one year or more and/or a fine. A suspect found guilty of arson may also be responsible for all costs associated with the suppression, rehabilitation of land, and damages incurred by the wildfire he/she set. Arson fires may account for over 20% of all human-caused wildland fires, and up to 70% or more fires in some jurisdictions. The actual number is unclear as arsons fires may not be recognized as such and be classified as another cause, undetermined, or unknown for some time before a pattern develops.
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Become Mainstay of Wildland Firefightin. Aug. 7, 2018 | By Air Force Senior Airman Crystal Housman, California National Guard. Five years after a proof-of-concept mission, the MQ-9 Reaper drone has developed into a key asset in California’s fight against wildfires, including the Carr and Mendocino Complex Fires, which are currently burning in Northern California.
No Life on Earth Without Trees
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, including trees, use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen as a byproduct while producing the sugars they need to grow, essentially allowing them to "create" themselves and the oxygen we breathe in the atmosphere; this process is vital for life on Earth as we know it. Leaves pull in carbon dioxide and water and use the energy of the sun to convert this into chemical compounds such as sugars that feed the tree. But as a by-product of that chemical reaction oxygen is produced and released by the tree. Trees also store carbon dioxide in their fibers. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, in a year ONE mature tree will absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange.,and%20released%20by%20the%20tree.
Potential Remedial Measure. See Postscript below.
Arson is the leading cause of fire in the United States. Each year, an estimated 267,000 fires are attributed to arson, which result in $1.4 billion in property loss and cause over 2,000 injuries and 475 deaths. 2 As a result, arson prevention and investigation have become the focus of increased attention within the federal government, the fire service, and the criminal justice system.
See in Real Time: World's Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index
See in Real Time: Current USA Heat Map
See in Real Time: Worldwide Fire Map (Modify for today's date);@0.0,0.0,3.0z
As of August 28, 2024, 48 large active wildfires are being managed with full suppression strategies nationwide. Current wildfires have burned 2,103,454 acres. About 17,000 wildland firefighters and support personnel are assigned to wildfires, including 18 complex and one Type 1 incident management teams, 401 crews, 658 engines, 97 helicopters, and one Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System (MAFFS). Evacuation orders are in effect on seven fires.
See in Real Time: Live temperature map.
NASA artfully reveals that the atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased, without pointing to the burning of fossil fuels; only "human activity." "Most of the warming occurred in the past 40 years, with the seven most recent years being the warmest. The years 2016 and 2020 are tied for the warmest year on record". Thus they claim that "The Evidence for Rapid Climate Change Is Compelling." Not a word is mentioned about manmade wildfires started by arson between 2016 and 2020, and continuing to this day. Clearly this is a deliberate CYA con job!!! The carbon cycle is the process through which carbon is cycled through the air, ground, plants, animals, and fossil fuels. People and animals inhale oxygen from the air and exhale carbon dioxide (CO2), while plants absorb CO2 for photosynthesis and emit oxygen back into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is also exchanged between the atmosphere and the oceans. This natural system of processes keeps CO2 levels in the atmosphere stable over time.
According to the National Park Service, human-caused wildfires account for around 80 to 90 percent of all reported wildfires. Wildfires can affect the physical, chemical, and biological quality of streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. These changes are noticeable for years and even decades after a fire. The first and greatest impact of wildfires is a significant increase in storm water runoff. With the loss of vegetation during a wildfire, the soil becomes hydrophobic (tending to repel or failing to mix with water). Under normal conditions, plant life slows precipitation down once it hits the landscape and lets it gradually seep into the ground. After a fire, foliage-free soil doesn’t absorb water easily. These burn scars increase runoff and provide a pathway for the transport of debris and sediment to rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations from burned foliage run into the water and lead to algal blooms resulting in fluctuations in oxygen or oxygen depletion in downstream waterbodies. Lastly, post-fire flash floods introduce high levels of heavy metals from ash, soils, and geologic sources into waterways. Wildfires can compromise water quality both during active burning, and for months and years after the fire has been contained.,significant%20increase%20in%20stormwater%20runoff.
Wildfire smoke is a mixture of hazardous air pollutants, such PM2.5, NO2, ozone, aromatic hydrocarbons, or lead. In addition to contaminating the air with toxic pollutants, wildfires also simultaneously impact the weather by releasing large quantities of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Beyond the human and societal impacts, wildfires also affect the Earth's weather. Forests in particular store large amounts of carbon. When they burn, they immediately release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which in turn contributes to climate change.,turn%20contributes%20to%20climate%20change.
Tax and Spend Again. Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 ( The Inflation Reduction Act invests $369 billion for Energy Security and Climate Change for grants, technical assistance and tools, including carbon labeling, to help manufacturers, institutional buyers, real estate developers, builders and others measure, report and substantially lower the levels of embodied carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions (,and%20other%20greenhouse%20gas%20emissions), see also, Summary of Act,
09/19/2024. The Department of the Interior today announced nearly $1.3 million in awards through a pilot program to strengthen local governments’ wildfire response by converting vehicles to wildland fire engines. Authorized by the President's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Slip-on Tanker Pilot Program is helping small, remote emergency response agencies quickly expand their wildfire response capacity as they continue to face the devastating impacts of climate change, drought and intensifying wildfires. $$$ The funding announced today was awarded to 21 local emergency response agencies in 10 states. The recipients serve communities with a moderate to high wildfire risk, as determined by the Wildfire Risk to Communities tool. Local governments that provide emergency services to areas with a population of 25,000 or less are eligible to receive grants ranging from $10,000 to $200,000. The funding announced today is part of nearly $1.1 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding allocated by Interior since the law’s enactment to address wildfire risk on public and Tribal lands and to better support federal wildland firefighters. A second round of grant opportunities will be announced this fall.
A growing body of scientific evidence links wildfire smoke exposure to various health effects. There is evidence of an increase in the risk of both cardiovascular and respiratory-related effects in response to wildfire smoke exposure, particularly as the intensity of wildfire smoke increases.
Exposure to smoke can also increase your risk for long-term (chronic) health effects. People who live in areas with higher fine particulate air pollution and those who breathe air containing fine particles over long periods have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Frequent exposure to smoke even for brief periods can also increase your risk for long-term health effects,have%20changes%20in%20heart%20function.
Not only are wildfires happening every summer, but they’re also happening multiple times every summer. These kinds of repeated exposure scenarios are what may lead to diseases like cancer. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) signaling pathway: Dysfunction of this pathway is one of the main cascading events that leads to the development and progression of lymphoma.
Higher levels of a type of air pollution called PM2.5 were linked to a higher number of dementia cases developing over time. The strongest links between pollution and dementia were seen for PM2.5 from agriculture and wildfires. Reducing such exposures might help lower the incidence of dementia.,lower%20the%20incidence%20of%20dementia.
Copyright © 2025 by David William Jedell

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Apparent Arson-Caused Wildfire Smoke and Heat Affecting Millions of Americans. Virtually Proven Here that Wildfires are Not Caused by Climate Change, but Wildfires Actually Cause Hot Weather that Heats the Earth's Atmosphere

By David William Jedell Updated January 4, 2025 Fable : Chicken Little Fictional Video for Your Entertainment