Friday, April 8, 2022

The Pandemic of Annoying

By David William Jedell Updated September 23, 2024
What's with the use of the word "cynical" to mean anything the speaker thinks it means?
Definitions from Oxford Languages
cyn·i·cal /ˈsinək(ə)l/ adjective
1. believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity. "he was brutally cynical and hardened to every sob story under the sun"
2. concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them. "a cynical manipulation of public opinion"
I suggest you adhere to the dictionary the meaning of the word before ever using it again and sounding like a schizoprenic.
Or what about the use of the word "again" or "and again" when starting a sentence when you have never mentioned the subject before? How about when people pick the arbitrary direction of "forward?" "Let's move forward on this issue," or "What do we do moving forward from here?" Why not "backward" or "sideways" or "up" or "down?" Do you know somebody who pronounces words like "ever" as "Aver"?
Also, if you make a statement and it sounds like a question that is called "Uptalk." An example might be, "Hi, my name is Tara? It's nice to meet you? I am a teacher?" Nothing is more annoying, making you sound like an imbecile. A statement should not sound like a question. This phenomenon is very contagious recently and widespread. See, The Uptalk Epidemic: Making Statements Sound Like Questions
Further, sayng "like" over and over, or "sort of" or "I mean" or bumbling and mumbling using stuttering (I'm not referring to persons with a disability) to make yourself sound like it's really your original thought or to keep the attention of others when you haven't a clue as to what to say, is prevelant; "Ah ah, ah, ah..." "I, I, I..." "I'm, I'm, I'm..." Further, what happenened to using the word "the" when someone says "he is in hospital" or "I am still in country;" this is not Canada! But they have no problem stuttering "the, the, the..." indicates lower I.Q. brain function!
Furthermore, not pronouncing the "T" sound at the end or middle of a word, for example, "thaH" or saying "impor-eH" not "imporTanT" are contagious, annoying, impossible to listen to, and it is very prevalent.
However, there is no shortage of people who begin to say something by loudly using the "T" sounding click, tongue and upper mouth of a deep breath before they exhale their utterances. How do you like it when someone slurps their saliva as a prelude to making a statement?
Furthermore, we have the phrase thank you "so" much, or "soooooo" much instead of "very much." Also commenting on an issue and saying "I FEEL instead of "I THINK." Isn't it wonderful when a librarian tells you you broke a "sacred" rule, like asking for loud people to please be quiet, then being loud himself with all the other library personnel. People who live to recite ther sacred rules to you some of the most obnoxious people on earth!
Reject the source entirely when you hear or read "What you should know..." or "Experts say..." or "Fact check..." or "Most people believe..." "Polls indicate..." or "Scientists believe such and such MIGHT be true ..." or "Protestors complain about..." or "Doctor gives medical advice (Ph.d in English literature) ..." or "The good news is...' See, The Press: Equivocal,
For those of you who speak this way, I suggest that you speak English instead. FORMULATE YOUR WORDS FROM THINKING THEN SAY THEM WITH CONFIDENCE. Better yet, don't even use words because what you have to say is not as important as you think.
Finally, people who crack their empty water bottles or incessently talk to someone else loudly on and on with no end are very annoying. Loud gum chewing, gum cracking, singing and whistling: similarly annoying.
This advice doesn't apply if your IQ is below 25 or if you are still in kindergarten.
Save America from the continuous attack on critical thinking.
Profound Brain Changes
Jedell, The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: Language Influences Thought and Perception,
To get a great perspective on how small and essentially meaningless we all are, what we think and do, I suggest you view this famous video by astrophysicist Carl Sagan: The Pale Blue Dot,
Copyright © 2024 by David William Jedell Email:

Death and Disease by Stealth Right Now by Wildfire Smoke and Heat Affecting 100 Million Americans. Proven Here: Arson (and to a Much Lesser Extent other Human Cause) not Chicken Little Climate Change, is to Blame!

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