Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Why Having No Regrets is the Best Way to Live

By David William Jedell                           Updated December 26, 2024
You aspire to be great, and you deal with things as they come up on the path, and you lived your life the only way you could have, making decisions that had to be made along the way the best you could, so be happy you lived all that, good and bad, and have no regrets.

The quality of your wisdom, when it sufficiently develops, will be based on all your experiences, good and bad. Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life.
For Perspective
Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO5FwsblpT8
Copyright © 2024 David William Jedell
Email: d.w.jedell@gmail.com

Monday, September 17, 2018

È inconfutabile! Il "Tempo" è sempre presente; Ovunque. Scusa Einstein, non c'è prova del tempo in sé e per sé; È solo uno strumento matematico di misurazione della quantità di moto relativa

Di David William Jedell Aggiornato il 30 settembre 2024
"È più facile ingannare le persone che convincerle di essere state ingannate." -Mark Twain. Perché un concetto così ovvio rimane sconosciuto da quando si è sviluppata la coscienza? Immanuel Kant affrontò in modo insufficiente la questione del "Tempo", insieme ad altri filosofi e fisici molto famosi. Pertanto, è un argomento molto importante, tuttavia né Kant né nessun altro ha visto la semplice verità che il tempo in sé e per sé non esiste, sebbene forniscano sofismi per ingannare i lettori con pensieri fallaci immaginari e irrilevanti. I fatti sono i seguenti: è sempre Adesso. Se i fisici, i matematici e gli altri scienziati accettassero questo fatto ovvio e ignorassero la propaganda scientifica e il “requisito” della revisione tra pari, ci avvicineremmo a una migliore comprensione di tutto. Sfido chiunque a confutare questo documento.
Esistiamo nel nostro punto di riferimento spaziale locale (area spaziale dove i cambiamenti nell'oggetto, nell'energia e nella posizione delle onde sono all'interno della nostra percezione sensoriale cosciente). Il costrutto dell'illusione del Tempo deriva dal nostro unico punto di riferimento sulla terra, dando origine all'inferenza cosciente di Passato, Ora e Futuro. Ti sei mai svegliato quando non era Adesso? Il battito di un orologio è prodotto solo da ingranaggi coordinati con una frazione della rotazione terrestre che chiamiamo "secondo". Non tiene traccia del "Tempo". Sta tenendo traccia della relazione tra due movimenti. La "velocità" di questi movimenti non è inerente al Tempo come cosa in sé e per sé, ma piuttosto nel rapporto tra la distanza percorsa dall'oggetto e una frazione arbitraria della rotazione ciclica terrestre come costante (cioè il rapporto tra da uno a 24, o una "ora"). Spazio e Ora sono la stessa cosa. È solo la coscienza che crea l'illusione del Tempo; senza di essa la Terra esisterebbe per l’eternità. Tuttavia, l’universo in realtà non “esisterebbe” affatto senza la coscienza perché l’esistenza è strettamente un costrutto cosciente.
Quando si verifica un evento, come la collisione di due oggetti davanti a noi, lo immagazziniamo nella memoria. Quando quell'evento si è spostato fuori dal nostro Spazio locale, e c'è un altro evento in una sequenza ordinata, ci illudiamo credendo che la percezione cosciente del primo evento ordinato in sequenza sia avvenuta nel "passato", come risultato del fatto che l'evento non genera più impulsi sensoriali (cioè non lo vedi più di fronte a te). Tuttavia quell'evento e le sue energie continuano ancora nei loro effetti nello Spazio che non è locale. Poiché la nostra mente cosciente può rivedere le percezioni della memoria e la mancanza delle stesse percezioni sensoriali immediate che si verificano simultaneamente (cioè, non le vedi più), viene creato il costrutto mentale che esiste un passato e un presente. Questo non è reale ma è errato. Per quanto riguarda il "futuro", i movimenti e le coincidenze negli "eventi" (cioè i percorsi di due oggetti in collisione) non si sono verificati nel nostro riferimento spaziale locale. Il futuro può solo essere immaginato, previsto o sperato, ma se esistesse, sarebbe nel nostro Spazio locale. Ci sono movimenti della materia e un "osservatore" sensoriale, tuttavia lo Spazio è sempre Adesso e Ora è sempre Spazio. Le cosiddette "dilatazioni temporali" nella fisica relativistica sono, nella migliore delle ipotesi, accelerazioni della quantità di moto nell'Adesso.
Tuttavia Einstein non applica il suo postulato secondo cui tutti i sistemi inerziali sono equivalenti. Quindi, l'osservatore sull'astronave vede l'orologio sulla terra andare più lentamente mentre l'osservatore sulla terra vede l'orologio sull'astronave andare più lentamente alla stessa identica velocità. Poiché tutti i sistemi inerziali sono uguali, quando i due osservatori vengono riuniti, il numero di clic dei loro orologi è fisicamente lo stesso. Altrimenti l'osservatore sull'astronave vedrebbe la Terra girare come una trottola, e l'astronave diventerebbe un sistema di riferimento "privilegiato" che la Relatività Ristretta non consente.
Inoltre, secondo la Relatività Speciale di Einstein, la luce si muove sempre in linea retta. Nel suo famoso esperimento mentale, la luce lascia l'emettitore e si dirige verso il ricevitore ad angolo. Questo è impossibile. In realtà, il raggio deve muoversi dritto su e giù. È l'astronave che si muove, tutto qui, e nella direzione opposta si "muove" anche il telaio "corretto". Gli orologi non sono il "Tempo" stesso, ma piuttosto misurano e confrontano i movimenti relativi. L'uso della luce, con la sua velocità costante in tutti i fotogrammi di riferimento, per misurare la frequenza dei clic, è semplicemente un modo conveniente per confrontare esattamente il cosiddetto numero corretto di clic del fotogramma con il numero relativo di clic del fotogramma.
Il rallentamento o lo spostamento verso il rosso della luce che si allontana da un oggetto vicino all'orizzonte degli eventi di un buco nero (o di una stella di neutroni oscura) è proprio questo; il rallentamento dei fotoni nella stretta della forte gravità continua nello Spazio-Ora. Non vi è alcuna prova che il Tempo rallenti o addirittura esista di per sé. Uno dei principali ostacoli all’accettazione generale del fatto che il tempo è una comodità matematica o uno strumento per confrontare i movimenti relativi nella vita di tutti i giorni, e non una cosa in sé e per sé, è che le lingue, come l’inglese, sono pervase di parole che esprimono il tempo. come una cosa in sé e per sé, come "accaduto", "era", "ieri", domani" e molte altre espressioni del passato e del futuro. Calendari, orologi e appuntamenti sono altri ostacoli alla comprensione dello Spazio. Attribuire una dimensione al Tempo è analogo ad attribuire una dimensione a un righello di 12 pollici e chiamarlo distanza. Allo stesso modo gli orologi non sono il tempo stesso. Inoltre, l'ipotesi Sapir-Whorf afferma che la struttura grammaticale e verbale del linguaggio di una persona influenza il modo in cui lo fa percepiscono il mondo. Sottolinea che il linguaggio determina o influenza i propri pensieri https://thejedellreport.blogspot.com/2022/05/roe-v-wade-getting-worked-up-over.html.
Esperimento mentale
Invece di cercare di pensare a questo con il nostro imperfetto sistema di linguaggio verbale, prova a pensare in modo spaziale a ciò che sta realmente accadendo. Ecco un semplice esempio di comprensione spaziale di questo; un esperimento mentale. Un aereo di linea situato sull'equatore decolla verso ovest. Quando raggiunge i 35.000 piedi viaggia a 1.000 miglia orarie alla velocità rispetto al suolo. Il pilota ha solo una meridiana davanti alla cabina di pilotaggio che può vedere dall'interno. Nessuno sull'aereo ha un orologio o un orologio. L'ombra del quadrante solare indica che sono le 15:00 quando si raggiungono i 35.000 piedi. Il sole può essere visto in alto. Dopo che l'aereo ha percorso 6.000 miglia, la meridiana è nella stessa posizione delle 15:00 e il sole non si è mosso. È ancora alto nel cielo. Il pilota e tutti gli occupanti dell'aereo pensano che il tempo si sia fermato durante il volo. Confermano questa valutazione anche quando atterrano e impiegano qualche minuto per raggiungere l'aeroporto. Tutti gli orologi alle pareti e tutti gli orologi della gente segnano le 15:05. A terra, nell'aeroporto da cui è partito l'aereo, il personale dell'equipaggio di terra guarda l'orologio e vede che segnano le 21:00. È anche notte, le stelle brillano. Confrontano il ricordo di una giornata soleggiata con l'attuale input sensoriale della notte senza sole. Costruiscono l'illusione del tempo. Invece il pilota e i passeggeri ricevono l'attuale input sensoriale di un sole splendente e di una meridiana che non si è mossa durante il volo. Infine, il pilota e i passeggeri vengono informati che si stanno spostando nello Spazio da un'area all'altra dello Spazio e che hanno superato 6 "Fusi Orari Stabiliti". Il pilota e i passeggeri accettano questa spiegazione dopo averci riflettuto. Ma il personale di terra ritiene che siano le 21 e che siano trascorse 6 ore di "Tempo" perché le lancette dei loro orologi si sono mosse e il sole è tramontato ed è notte. L'equipaggio si aggrappa all'illusione come facevano le persone quando la terra era piatta e il centro dell'universo, rifiutando Colombo e Copernico sul letto di morte e bruciando Guido sul rogo per eresia.
Non può esserci "viaggio nel tempo" senza tempo, e la "freccia del tempo" può essere facilmente invertita senza alcuna reale differenza, vale a dire che il "tempo" si sposta dal futuro al passato o si sposta dal passato al futuro. Teoricamente, per viaggiare nel "Passato", tutti i vettori di causa ed effetto dovrebbero essere invertiti, e ci vorrebbero 150 anni per tornare indietro di 150 anni. Tuttavia, ciò non è possibile. Nemmeno viaggiare verso il “futuro” perché richiederebbe un aumento della quantità di moto di tutti i vettori della quantità di moto, cosa che non può essere fatta. Inoltre, l’entropia non solo è un concetto imperfetto (cioè l’uovo era un miscuglio di particelle prima di essere assemblato ordinatamente in un uovo e poi lasciato cadere in un disordine caotico), ma non dimostra l’esistenza del tempo. Il cono di luce di Einstein, in quanto rappresenta lo spazio, è una struttura corretta con una falsa premessa, cioè che in alto c'è il "Tempo" nel "futuro" che scende verso il centro che è il "Tempo" nel "presente". " quindi inferiore che è il "Tempo" nel "passato". In realtà, la parte superiore è piena di eventi il ​​cui slancio non ha avuto una sequenza nel nostro spazio. Il centro è il nostro spazio sensoriale, e il fondo è dove la quantità di moto si è spostata dal nostro spazio sensoriale all'esterno del nostro spazio sensoriale. Tutto dentro ORA! Possiamo spiegare l'intero universo senza l'illusione del "Tempo" in sé e per sé.
Il fatto che la luce viaggi velocemente non prova l’esistenza del tempo
Piuttosto che un cono di luce, è più accurato rappresentare un cerchio che rappresenta la tua area cosciente di percezione sensoriale. Le frecce all'esterno del cerchio puntate verso l'interno del cerchio rappresentano momenti o eventi separati in sequenza che non hanno influenzato la tua percezione ma sono pronti a farlo. Vedi, https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/arrows-pointing-to-circle-middle.html Le frecce all'interno del cerchio (o della sfera) rivolte verso l'esterno sono eventi o slanci che influenzano la tua percezione ma si stanno allontanando. Vedi, https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/arrows-outwards-circle-round-shape-vector-illustration-gm1473703846-503768100
Una sequenza non dipende dal "Tempo", cioè la sequenza 1,2,3 sarà sempre 1,2,3 non importa quanto la Terra abbia ruotato o si sia rivoltata. Una sequenza è indipendente dal tempo. La probabilità che i costrutti soggettivi di cui sopra descrivano accuratamente fatti oggettivi è la più alta possibile.
"Il pensiero critico serio e lo scetticismo nei confronti di affermazioni nuove e persino vecchie non sono solo ammissibili, sono incoraggiati e desiderabili in quanto essenza della scienza." -Carl Sagan
Riferimento al cono di luce di Einstein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_cone
Dilatazione del "tempo" della Relatività Speciale 7.2.2 Time dilation http://www.thestargarden.co.uk/Special-relativity.html
Copyright © 2024 di David William Jedell Email: d.w.jedell@gmail.com

To niepodważalne! „Czas” jest zawsze teraz; Wszędzie. Przykro mi, Einsteinie, nie ma dowodu na istnienie czasu samego w sobie; To tylko matematyczne narzędzie pomiaru pędu względnego

Przez David William Jedell Zaktualizowano 30 Wrzesień 2024
„Łatwiej jest oszukać ludzi, niż przekonać ich, że zostali oszukani.” - Marka Twaina.
Dlaczego tak oczywista koncepcja pozostaje nieodkryta, odkąd rozwinęła się świadomość? Immanuel Kant, podobnie jak inni bardzo znani filozofowie i fizyki, w niewystarczający sposób zajął się kwestią „czasu”. Jest to zatem temat bardzo ważny, jednakże ani Kant, ani nikt inny nie dostrzegł prostej prawdy, że czas sam w sobie nie istnieje, choć posługują się sofistyką mającą zwieść czytelników wyimaginowanymi i nieistotnymi, błędnymi myślami. Fakty są następujące: Zawsze jest Teraz. Gdyby fizycy, matematycy i inni naukowcy zaakceptowali ten oczywisty fakt i zlekceważyli propagandę naukową oraz „wymóg recenzowania”, zbliżylibyśmy się do lepszego zrozumienia wszystkiego. Wzywam każdego, aby obalił tę tezę.
Istniejemy w naszym lokalnym punkcie odniesienia w przestrzeni kosmicznej (obszar przestrzenny, w którym zmiany obiektu, energii i położenia fali zachodzą w ramach naszej świadomej percepcji zmysłowej). Złudzenie konstrukcji Czasu następuje w wyniku naszego pojedynczego punktu odniesienia na Ziemi, dając podstawę do świadomego wnioskowania o Przeszłości, Teraźniejszości i Przyszłości. Czy kiedykolwiek obudziłeś się, gdy nie było „Teraz”? Tykanie zegarka wykonują wyłącznie koła zębate skoordynowane z ułamkiem obrotu Ziemi, który nazywamy „sekundą”. Nie śledzi „Czasu”. Śledzi relację dwóch ruchów. „Prędkość” tych ruchów nie jest związana z czasem jako rzeczą samą w sobie, ale raczej ze stosunkiem odległości, jaką pokonuje obiekt, do dowolnego ułamka cyklicznego obrotu Ziemi jako stałej (tj. od jednego do 24, czyli „godzina”). Przestrzeń i Teraz to to samo. Tylko świadomość stwarza iluzję czasu; bez niego Ziemia istniałaby w wieczności. Jednakże wszechświat w rzeczywistości w ogóle „nie istniałby” bez świadomości, ponieważ istnienie jest ściśle świadomym konstruktem. Kiedy ma miejsce jakieś wydarzenie, na przykład zderzenie dwóch obiektów przed nami, przechowujemy je w pamięci. Kiedy to wydarzenie przesunęło się poza naszą lokalną Przestrzeń i w uporządkowanej sekwencji następuje inne wydarzenie, łudzimy się, że świadoma percepcja pierwszego sekwencyjnie uporządkowanego zdarzenia miała miejsce w „przeszłości” w wyniku faktu, że wydarzenie nie generuje już impulsów zmysłowych (tj. nie widzisz go już przed sobą). Jednakże to wydarzenie i jego energie nadal wywierają swoje skutki w przestrzeni, która jest nielokalna. Ponieważ nasz świadomy umysł może dokonać przeglądu percepcji pamięci i braku tych samych bezpośrednich percepcji zmysłowych, które występują jednocześnie (tj. już tego nie widzisz), powstaje mentalny konstrukt, że istnieje przeszłość i teraźniejszość. Nie jest to zgodne z faktami, ale błędne. Jeśli chodzi o „przyszłość”, ruchy i zbieżności w „zdarzeniach” (tj. zderzeniach ścieżek dwóch obiektów) nie występowały w naszym lokalnym odniesieniu do przestrzeni. Przyszłość można jedynie sobie wyobrazić, przewidzieć lub mieć na nią nadzieję, ale gdyby istniała, to byłaby w naszej lokalnej przestrzeni. Istnieją ruchy materii i zmysłowy „obserwator”, jednakże Przestrzeń jest zawsze Teraz, a Teraz jest zawsze Przestrzenią. Tak zwane „dylatacje czasu” w fizyce relatywistycznej są w najlepszym razie przyspieszeniami pędu w teraźniejszości.
Einstein nie stosuje jednak własnego postulatu, że wszystkie układy inercjalne są równoważne. Zatem obserwator na statku kosmicznym widzi, że zegar na Ziemi jedzie wolniej, podczas gdy obserwator na Ziemi widzi, że zegar na statku kosmicznym jedzie wolniej w dokładnie tym samym tempie. Ponieważ wszystkie układy inercjalne są równe, po ponownym połączeniu dwóch obserwatorów liczba kliknięć ich zegarów jest fizycznie taka sama. W przeciwnym razie obserwator na statku kosmicznym widziałby, jak Ziemia wiruje jak szczyt, a statek kosmiczny byłby „uprzywilejowanym” układem odniesienia, na który nie pozwala szczególna teoria względności. Co więcej, zgodnie ze szczególną teorią względności Einsteina, światło zawsze porusza się po linii prostej. W jego słynnym eksperymencie myślowym światło opuszcza emiter i kieruje się pod kątem prosto w stronę odbiornika. To jest niemożliwe. Właściwie wiązka musi poruszać się prosto w górę i w dół. To statek kosmiczny się porusza i tyle, i w przeciwnym kierunku „właściwy” kadr również „porusza się”. Zegary nie są samym „Czasem”, ale raczej mierzą i porównują ruchy względne. Wykorzystanie światła o stałej prędkości we wszystkich klatkach odniesienia do pomiaru współczynnika kliknięć jest po prostu wygodnym sposobem dokładnego porównania tzw. właściwej liczby kliknięć klatki z relatyczną liczbą kliknięć klatki.
Właśnie na tym polega spowolnienie lub przesunięcie ku czerwieni światła oddalającego się od obiektu w pobliżu horyzontu zdarzeń czarnej dziury (lub ciemnej gwiazdy neutronowej); spowolnienie fotonów w uścisku silnej grawitacji trwa nadal w Przestrzeni-Teraz. Nie ma dowodów na to, że Czas zwalnia lub nawet istnieje sam w sobie. Główną przeszkodą w ogólnej akceptacji faktu, że czas jest matematycznym ułatwieniem lub narzędziem do porównywania względnych ruchów w życiu codziennym, a nie rzeczą samą w sobie, jest to, że języki takie jak angielski są przesiąknięte słowami wyrażającymi czas jako rzecz samą w sobie, na przykład „zdarzyło się”, „było”, „wczoraj”, jutro” i wiele innych wyrażeń czasów przeszłych i przyszłych. Kalendarze, zegary i spotkania są kolejną przeszkodą w zrozumieniu Przestrzeni. wymiar czasu jest analogiczny do przypisywania wymiaru 12-calowej linijce i nazywania go odległością. W ten sam sposób zegary same w sobie nie są czasem. Co więcej, hipoteza Sapira-Whorfa stwierdza, że ​​gramatyczna i werbalna struktura języka danej osoby wpływa na to, jak postrzegają świat. Podkreśla, że ​​język determinuje myśli lub wpływa na nie. https://thejedellreport.blogspot.com/2022/05/roe-v-wade-getting-worked-up-over.html.
Eksperyment myślowy
Zamiast próbować to przemyśleć za pomocą naszego wadliwego systemu języka werbalnego, spróbuj myśleć przestrzennie o tym, co się faktycznie dzieje. Oto prosty przykład przestrzennego zrozumienia tego; eksperyment myślowy. Liniowiec odrzutowy znajdujący się na równiku startuje na zachód. Kiedy osiągnie 35 000 stóp, porusza się z prędkością 1000 mil na godzinę. Pilot ma przed kokpitem jedynie zegar słoneczny, który widzi ze środka. Nikt w samolocie nie ma zegarka ani zegarka. Cień tarczy słonecznej wskazuje, że po osiągnięciu wysokości 35 000 stóp jest godzina 15:00. Słońce widać wysoko w górze. Po przebyciu przez samolot 6000 mil zegar słoneczny znajduje się w tej samej pozycji, czyli godzinie 15:00, a słońce się nie porusza. Wciąż jest wysoko na niebie. Pilot i wszyscy pasażerowie samolotu myślą, że podczas lotu czas się zatrzymał. Potwierdzają tę ocenę nawet po wylądowaniu i dotarcie na lotnisko zajmuje kilka minut. Wszystkie zegary na ścianach i zegarki wszystkich ludzi wskazują godzinę 15:05.
Na ziemi na lotnisku, z którego odleciał samolot, obsługa naziemna spogląda na zegarki i stwierdza, że ​​wskazują godzinę 21:00. Jest też noc, gwiazdy świecą. Porównują swoje wspomnienie słonecznego dnia z obecnymi wrażeniami zmysłowymi dotyczącymi nocy i braku słońca. Konstruują iluzję czasu. Podczas gdy pilot i pasażerowie mają aktualne dane sensoryczne dotyczące świecącego słońca i tarczy słonecznej, która nie poruszyła się podczas lotu. Na koniec pilot i pasażerowie zostają poinformowani, że przemieszczają się w przestrzeni kosmicznej z jednego obszaru przestrzeni do drugiego i że minęli 6 „ustalonych stref czasowych”. Pilot i pasażerowie po namyśle akceptują to wyjaśnienie. Jednak obsługa naziemna uważa, że ​​jest godzina 21:00 i minęło 6 godzin „Czasu”, ponieważ wskazówki ich zegarków przesunęły się, zaszło słońce i zapadła noc. Załoga trzyma się złudzeń niczym ludzie, gdy Ziemia była płaska, a Ziemia była centrum wszechświata, odrzucając Kolumba i Kopernika na łożu śmierci i paląc Guido na stosie za herezję.
Nie może być „podróży w czasie” bez czasu, a „strzałkę czasu” można równie łatwo odwrócić bez żadnej istotnej różnicy, tzn. „czas” przemieszcza się z przyszłości do przeszłości lub przemieszcza się z przeszłości do przyszłości. Teoretycznie, aby odbyć podróż w „Przeszłość”, wszystkie wektory przyczyny i skutku musiałyby zostać odwrócone, a cofnięcie się o 150 lat zajęłoby 150 lat. Jednakże nie da się tego zrobić. Podróż do „przyszłości” też nie jest możliwa, gdyż wymagałaby zwiększenia pędu wszystkich wektorów pędu, a tego nie da się zrobić.
Co więcej, entropia jest nie tylko błędną koncepcją (tj. jajko było mieszaniną cząstek, zanim zostało starannie złożone w jajko, a następnie wrzucone do chaotycznego bałaganu), ale nie dowodzi istnienia czasu. Stożek świetlny Einsteina, o ile reprezentuje przestrzeń, jest poprawną konstrukcją z fałszywym założeniem, tj. że na górze znajduje się „Czas” w „przyszłości” przechodzący w dół do środka, którym jest „Czas” w „teraźniejszości” ", a następnie niżej, czyli "Czas" w "przeszłości". W rzeczywistości szczyt jest wypełniony wydarzeniami, których pęd nie dotarł do naszej przestrzeni. Środek to nasza przestrzeń sensoryczna, a dół to miejsce, w którym pęd przesunął się z naszej przestrzeni sensorycznej na zewnątrz naszej przestrzeni sensorycznej. Wszystko TERAZ! Możemy opisać cały wszechświat bez złudzeń co do „Czasu” samego w sobie.
Fakt, że światło przemieszcza się szybko, nie dowodzi istnienia czasu
Zamiast stożka świetlnego dokładniejsze jest przedstawienie koła reprezentującego świadomy obszar percepcji zmysłowej. Strzałki na zewnątrz okręgu skierowane do wewnątrz okręgu reprezentują sekwencyjnie oddzielony pęd lub zdarzenia, które nie wpłynęły na twoją percepcję, ale mogą to zrobić. Zobacz, https://www.dreamstime.com/ilustration/arrows-pointing-to-circle-middle.html Strzałki wewnątrz okręgu (lub kuli) skierowane na zewnątrz to zdarzenia lub pęd, które wpływają na twoją percepcję, ale się oddalają. Zobacz, https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/arrows-outwards-circle-round-shape-vector-ilustration-gm1473703846-503768100
Sekwencja nie zależy od „Czasu”, tj. sekwencja 1,2,3 zawsze będzie wynosić 1,2,3 bez względu na to, jak bardzo Ziemia się obróciła lub obróciła. Sekwencja jest niezależna od czasu.
Prawdopodobieństwo, że powyższe subiektywne konstrukty dokładnie odzwierciedlają obiektywne fakty, jest tak wysokie, jak to tylko możliwe.
„Poważne krytyczne myślenie i sceptycyzm wobec nowych, a nawet starych twierdzeń jest nie tylko dopuszczalne, ale jest wspierane i pożądane jako istota nauki”. - Carla Sagana
Odniesienie do stożka świetlnego Einsteina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_cone
Szczególna teoria względności Dylatacja „czasu”. 7.2.2 Time dilation, http://www.thestargarden.co.uk/Special-relativity.html
Prawa autorskie © 2024 by David William Jedell E-mail: d.w.jedell@gmail.com

Det er ugjendrivelig! "Tiden" er alltid nå; Overalt. Beklager Einstein, det er ingen bevis for tid i seg selv; Det er bare et matematisk verktøy for måling av relativ momentum

Av David William Jedell Oppdatert 30. september 2024
"Det er lettere å lure folk enn å overbevise dem om at de har blitt lurt." - Mark Twain.
Hvorfor forblir et så åpenbart konsept uoppdaget siden bevisstheten utviklet seg? Immanuel Kant taklet utilstrekkelig spørsmålet om "Tid", sammen med andre svært kjente filosofer og fysikere. Derfor er det et veldig viktig tema, men verken Kant eller noen andre har sett den enkle sannheten at tid i seg selv ikke eksisterer, selv om de gir sofisterier for å lure sine lesere med innbilte og irrelevante feilaktige tanker. Fakta er som følger: Det er alltid nå. Hvis fysikere, matematikere og andre vitenskapsmenn ville akseptere dette åpenbare faktum, og se bort fra vitenskapelig propaganda og fagfellevurderingen "kravet", ville vi nærmet oss en bedre forståelse av alt. Jeg utfordrer alle til å tilbakevise denne artikkelen.
Vi eksisterer i vår lokale rompunktreferanse (romområde hvor endringer i objekt, energi og bølgeposisjon er innenfor vår bevisste sanseoppfatning). Vrangforestillingen om tidskonstruksjon følger som et resultat av vår enkeltpunktreferanse på jorden, og gir opphav til den bevisste slutningen om fortid, nå og fremtid. Har du noen gang våknet når det ikke var nå? Tikkene på en klokke er bare laget av tannhjul som er koordinert med en brøkdel av jordens rotasjon vi kaller et «sekund». Den holder ikke styr på "Tid". Den holder styr på forholdet mellom to bevegelser. "Hastigheten" til disse bevegelsene er ikke iboende i tiden som en ting i seg selv, men snarere i forholdet mellom avstanden objektet reiser til en vilkårlig brøkdel av jordens sykliske rotasjon som en konstant (dvs. forholdet mellom en til 24, eller en "time"). Space og Now er det samme. Det er bare bevissthet som skaper villfarelsen av tid; uten den ville jorden eksistere i evigheten. Imidlertid ville universet faktisk ikke "eksistere" i det hele tatt uten bevissthet fordi eksistens er strengt tatt en bevisst konstruksjon.
Når det er en hendelse, som en kollisjon av to objekter foran oss, lagrer vi den i minnet. Når den hendelsen har flyttet ut av vårt lokale rom, og det er en annen hendelse i en ordnet sekvens, lurer vi oss selv til å tro at den bevisste oppfatningen av den første sekvensielt ordnede hendelsen skjedde i "fortiden", som et resultat av det faktum at hendelsen genererer ikke lenger sanseimpulser (dvs. du ser den ikke lenger foran deg). Imidlertid fortsetter den hendelsen og dens energier fortsatt i sine effekter i rommet som er ikke-lokalt. Siden vårt bevisste sinn kan gjennomgå oppfatningene av minne og mangelen på de samme umiddelbare sanseoppfatningene som forekommer samtidig (dvs. du ser det ikke lenger), skapes den mentale konstruksjonen at det er en fortid og en nåtid. Dette er ikke saklig, men feil. Når det gjelder "fremtiden", har ikke bevegelsene og tilfeldighetene i "hendelser" (dvs. banene til to objekter som kolliderer) skjedd i vår lokale romreferanse. Fremtiden kan bare forestilles, forutses eller håpes på, men hvis fremtiden fantes, ville den vært i vårt lokale rom. Det er bevegelser av materie og en sensorisk "observatør", men rom er alltid nå og nå er alltid rom. Såkalte "tidsutvidelser" i relativistisk fysikk er i beste fall akselerasjoner av momentum innenfor Nå.
Einstein bruker imidlertid ikke sitt eget postulat om at alle treghetsrammer er likeverdige. Så observatøren på romskipet ser klokken på jorden gå saktere mens observatøren på jorden ser klokken på romskipet gå saktere med nøyaktig samme hastighet. Siden alle treghetsrammer er like, når de to observatørene slås sammen igjen, er antallet klikk på klokkene deres fysisk det samme. Ellers ville observatøren på romskipet se jorden snurre som en topp, og romskipet ville være en "privilegert" referanseramme som Spesiell Relativitet ikke tillater.
Dessuten, i samsvar med Einsteins spesielle relativitet, beveger lys seg alltid i en rett linje. I hans berømte tankeeksperiment forlater lyset senderen og går rett opp mot mottakeren i en vinkel. Dette er umulig. Egentlig må strålen bevege seg rett opp og ned. Det er romskipet som beveger seg, det er alt, og i motsatt retning er den "riktige" rammen også i bevegelse. (Se, 7.2.2 Tidsutvidelse, http://www.thestargarden.co.uk/Special-relativity.html). Klokker er ikke "tiden" i seg selv, men snarere måler og sammenligner de relative bevegelser. Bruken av lys, med sin konstante hastighet i alle referanserammer, for å måle antallet klikk, er ganske enkelt en praktisk måte å nøyaktig sammenligne det såkalte riktige antallet klikk med det relative antallet klikk.
Den bremsende eller røde forskyvningen av lys som beveger seg bort fra et objekt nær hendelseshorisonten til et svart hull (eller mørk nøytronstjerne) er nettopp det; bremsingen av fotoner i grepet om sterk gravitasjon som fortsetter i Space-Now. Det er ingen bevis på at tiden har bremset ned eller til og med eksisterer i seg selv.
En stor hindring for den generelle aksepten av det faktum at tid er en matematisk bekvemmelighet eller verktøy for å sammenligne relative bevegelser i hverdagen, og ikke en ting i seg selv, er at språk, som engelsk, er gjennomsyret av ord som uttrykker tid som en ting i seg selv, slik som «hendte», «var», «i går», i morgen» og mange andre uttrykk for fortid og fremtid. Kalendere, klokker og avtaler er andre hindringer for forståelsen av verdensrommet. en dimensjon til tid er analogt med å tilskrive en 12-tommers linjal og kalle den avstand. På samme måte er ikke klokker selve tiden. Dessuten sier Sapir-Whorf-hypotesen at den grammatiske og verbale strukturen til en persons språk påvirker hvordan. de oppfatter verden. Det understreker at språket enten bestemmer eller påvirker ens tanker. https://thejedellreport.blogspot.com/2022/05/roe-v-wade-getting-worked-up-over.html
I stedet for å prøve å tenke ut dette med vårt mangelfulle verbale språksystem, prøv å tenke romlig på hva som faktisk skjer. Her er et enkelt eksempel på romlig forståelse av dette; et tankeeksperiment. Et jetfly plassert på ekvator tar av rett vest. Når den når 35 000 fot, kjører den 1000 mph bakkehastighet. Piloten har kun en solskive foran cockpiten som han kan se fra innsiden. Ingen på flyet har klokke eller klokke. Solskivens skygge indikerer at klokken er 15.00 når den når 35 000 fot. Solen kan sees høyt over. Etter at flyet har reist 6000 miles, står solskiven i samme posisjon klokken 15.00 og solen har ikke beveget seg. Den står fortsatt høyt på himmelen. Piloten og alle på flyet tror at tiden har stoppet under flyturen. De bekrefter til og med denne vurderingen når de lander og bruker noen minutter på å gå inn til flyplassen. Alle klokkene på veggene og alle folkets klokker indikerer 15:05.
På bakken på flyplassen som flyet gikk fra, ser bakkemannskapet på klokkene sine og ser at de indikerer klokken 21.00. Det er også natt, stjernene skinner. De sammenligner minnet om en solrik dag med dagens sanseinntrykk fra natt og ingen sol. De konstruerer vrangforestillingen om tid. Mens piloten og passasjerene har nåværende sensoriske input fra en skinnende sol og en solskive som ikke har beveget seg under flyturen. Til slutt blir piloten og passasjerene informert om at de beveger seg gjennom verdensrommet fra ett område i verdensrommet til et annet, og at de passerte 6 "Etabliserte tidssoner." Piloten og passasjerene aksepterer denne forklaringen etter litt omtanke. Men bakkemannskapet tror at klokken er 21.00 og at 6 timer med "Tid" har gått fordi viserne på klokkene deres beveget seg og solen gikk ned og det er natt. Mannskapet holder på villfarelsen som folk gjorde da jorden var flat og jorden var universets sentrum, og avviste Columbus og Copernicus på dødsleie hans, og brente Guido på bålet for kjetteri.
Det kan ikke være noen "tidsreise" uten tid, og "Tidens pil" kan like gjerne reverseres uten noen reell forskjell, dvs. at "Tid" beveger seg fra fremtiden til fortiden eller beveger seg fra fortid til fremtid. Teoretisk sett, for å reise inn i "fortiden", ville alle årsak- og virkningsvektorer måtte reverseres, og det ville ta 150 år å gå 150 år tilbake. Dette kan imidlertid ikke gjøres. Det kan heller ikke reise til "fremtiden" fordi det vil kreve en økning i momentum av alle momentumvektorer, noe som ikke kan gjøres.
Videre er entropi ikke bare et mangelfullt konsept (dvs. egget var et virvar av partikler før det ble pent satt sammen til et egg, og deretter falt ned i et kaotisk rot), men det beviser ikke eksistensen av tid. Einsteins lyskjegle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_cone), i den grad den representerer rom, er en korrekt struktur med et falskt premiss, dvs. at det øverst står "Tid" i "fremtiden" " beveger seg ned til sentrum som er "Tid" i "nåtid" og deretter lavere som er "Tid" i "fortid." Faktisk er toppen fylt med hendelser hvis momentum ikke har sekvensert inn i vårt sanserom. Sentrum er vårt sanserom, og bunnen er der momentum har flyttet seg fra vårt sanserom til utenfor vårt sanserom. Alt inne NÅ! Vi kan redegjøre for hele universet uten vrangforestillingen om "Tid" i seg selv.
Det faktum at lyset reiser raskt, beviser ikke eksistensen av tid
I stedet for en lyskjegle, er det mer nøyaktig å avbilde en sirkel som representerer ditt bevisste område av sanseoppfatning. Piler utenfor sirkelen peker innover til sirkelen representerer sekvensielt separert momentum eller hendelser som ikke har påvirket din oppfatning, men som er klar til å gjøre det. Se, https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/arrows-pointing-to-circle-middle.html Piler inne i sirkelen (eller sfæren) som peker utover er hendelser eller momentum som påvirker oppfatningen din, men som beveger seg bort. Se, https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/arrows-outwards-circle-round-shape-vector-illustration-gm1473703846-503768100
En sekvens er ikke avhengig av "Tid", dvs. sekvensen 1,2,3 vil alltid være 1,2,3 uansett hvor mye jorden har rotert eller rotert. En sekvens er tidsuavhengig. Sannsynligheten for at de ovennevnte subjektive konstruksjonene nøyaktig gjengir objektive fakta er så høy som mulig.
"Seriøs kritisk tenkning og skepsis rettet mot nye og til og med gamle påstander er ikke bare tillatt, det er oppmuntret og ønskelig som essensen av vitenskap." - Carl Sagan
Copyright © 2024 av David William Jedell
E-post: d.w.jedell@gmail.com

Sore wa hanron no yochi ga arimasen! `Toki' wa tsuneni imadesu. Doko ni demo. Mōshiwakearimasenga, Ainshutain, jikan sonomono no shōko wa arimasen. Sore wa sōtai undōryō o sokutei suru tame no tan'naru sūgaku-teki tsūrudesu

Debiddo u~iriamu Jedell-cho 2024-nen 10 tsuki 4-nichi kōshin
`hito o damasa reta to nattoku sa seru yori mo, damasu hō ga kantanda.' - Māku tō~ein.
Ishiki ga hattatsu shite irai, kono yōna meihakuna gainen ga hakken sa renai mama ni natte iru no wa nazedeshou ka? Imanueru kanto wa, hoka no hijō ni yūmeina tetsugakumono ya butsurigaku-sha to dōyō ni,`jikan' no mondai ni jūbun ni torikunde imasendeshita. Ko no yō ni, kore wa hijō ni jūyōna tēmadearuga, kanto mo hoka no dare mo, sōzō-jō no mukankeina ayamatta kangae de dokusha o madowasu tame no kiben o teikyō shite iru nimokakawarazu, jikan sore jitai ga sonzaishinai to iu tanjun'na shinjitsu o miteinai. Jijitsu wa tsugi no tōridesu. Sore wa tsuneni `ima'desu. Butsurigaku-sha, sugakusha, sonohoka no kagaku-sha ga kono meihakuna jijitsu o ukeire, kagaku-teki puropaganda ya sadoku no `yōken' o mushi surunara, watashitachiha subete ni tsuite yoriyoi rikai ni chikadzukudeshou. Watashi wa darenidemo kono ronbun ni hanron shite moraitai.
Watashitachiha rōkaruna kūkan kijun-ten (buttai, enerugī,-ha no ichi no henka ga watashitachi no ishiki-tekina kankaku ninshiki no han'inaini aru kūkan ryōiki) ni sonzai shimasu. Watashitachi ga chikyū-jō de itten o sanshō shita kekka to shite, jikan kōzō no mōsō ga tsudzuki, kako, genzai, mirai no ishiki-tekina suiron ga shōjimasu. Imade wanai toki ni megasameta koto ga arimasu ka? Tokei no kizami wa, watashitachi ga `byō' to yobu chikyūnojiten no ichibu ni chōsei sa reta haguruma ni yotte nomi tsukura rete imasu. Soreha `jikan' o tsuiseki shite iru wakede wa arimasen. 2Tsu no ugoki no kankei o tsuiseki shite imasu. Korera no undō no `sokudo' wa, sore jitai to shite jikan ni koyū no monode wa naku, teisū to shite no chikyū no shūki-tekina kaiten no nin'i no bubun ni taisuru buttai no idō kyori no hiritsu (tsumari, 1 kara 24, tsumari `jikan'). Uchū to ima wa onaji monodesu. Jikan no mōsō o umidasu no wa ishiki dakedesu. Sore ga nakereba chikyū wa eien ni sonzai surudeshou. Shikashi, sonzai wa genmitsu ni ishiki-tekina kōzōdearu tame, uchū wa jissai ni wa ishiki ga nakereba mattaku `sonzai' shimasen.
Me no mae no 2-tsu no buttai no shōtotsu nado no ibento ga hassei suru to, watashitachi wa sore o memori ni hozon shimasu. Sono dekigoto ga watashitachi no rōkaru kūkan kara idō shi, junjodzuke rareta junjo de betsu no dekigoto ga sonzai suru toki, watashitachi wa tsugi no jijitsu no kekka to shite, saisho no junjodzuke sa reta dekigoto no ishiki-tekina ninshiki ga `kako' ni okotta to shinjikomu yō ni jibun jishin o azamukimasu. Sono dekigoto wa mohaya kankaku inparusu o seisei shimasen (tsumari,-me no mae ni sono dekigoto ga mienaku narimasu). Shikashi, sono dekigoto to sono enerugī wa, hikyokushotekina uchū ni oite mo eikyō o oyoboshi tsudzukete imasu. Watashitachi no ishiki-tekina kokoro wa, kioku no ninshiki to, dōjini okotte iru onaji chokusetsu no kankaku-teki ninshiki no ketsujo (tsumari, mō mienai) o minaosu koto ga dekiru tame, kako to ima ga aru to iu seishin kōzō ga sakusei sa remasu. Kore wa jijitsude wa arimasenga, kekkan ga arimasu. `Mirai' ni kanshite ieba,`ibento' ni okeru ugoki ya gūzen no itchi (tsumari, shōtotsu suru 2-tsu no buttai no keiro) wa, rōkaruna kūkansanshōde wa hassei shite imasen. Mirai wa sōzō shi tari, yosoku shi tari, kitai shi tari suru koto shika dekimasenga, moshi mirai ga sonzai suru to shitara, soreha watashitachi no rōkarusupēsu ni arudeshou. Busshitsu no undō to kankaku-tekina `kansatsu-sha' ga sonzai shimasuga, kūkan wa tsuneni imadeari, genzai wa tsuneni kūkandesu. Sōtaironteki butsurigaku ni okeru iwayuru `jikan no okure' wa, seizei genzai no naibu no undōryō no kasoku ni sugimasen.
Tadashi, Ainshutain wa, subete no kansei-kei ga dōtōdearu to iu jishin no kasetsu o tekiyō shimasen. Shitagatte, uchūsen-jō no kansoku-sha wa chikyū-jō no tokei ga osoku naru no o miru ga, chikyū-jō no kansoku-sha wa uchūsen-jō no tokei ga mattaku onaji sokudo de osoku naru no o miru. Subete no kansei-kei wa hitoshī tame, 2-ri no kansoku-sha ga futatabi ketsugō sa reru to, tokei no kurikku-sū wa butsuri-teki ni onaji ni narimasu. Sōdenakereba, uchūsen-jō no kansoku-sha wa chikyū ga koma no yō ni kaiten shite iru no o miru koto ni nari, uchūsen wa tokushu sōtaiseiriron ga yurusanai `tokken-tekina' kijun-waku ni natte shimaudeshou.
Sarani, Ainshutain no tokushu sōtaiseiriron ni yoreba, hikari wa tsuneni chokushin shimasu. Kare no yūmeina shikō jikkende wa, hikari wa emittā kara dete, aru kakudo de reshībā ni mukatte massugu ni susumimasu. Fukanōda yo. Jissai ni wa bīmu wa massugu jōge ni ugoite iru hazudesu. Ugoite iru no wa uchūsen, sore dakedeari, gyaku ni `tekisetsuna' furēmu mo `ugoite iru' nodesu. (7.2.2 Time dilation, http://www.thestargarden.co.uk/Special-relativity.html). Tokei wa `jikan' sonomonode wa naku, sōtaitekina ugoki o keisoku shi hikaku suru monodesu. Subete no sanshō furēmu de ittei sokudo no hikari o shiyō shite kurikku-ritsu o sokutei suru koto wa, iwayuru tekisetsuna kurikku no furēmu-sū to sōtaitekina kurikku no furēmu-sū o seikaku ni hikaku suru no ni benrina hōhōdesu.
Burakku hōru (matawa kurai chūseishisei) no jishō no chiheisen chikaku no buttai kara tōzakaru hikari no sokudo no teika ya sekihōhen'i wa, masani sono yōna monodesu. Space - Now de tsudzuku tsuyoi jūryoku no shihai-ka de no kōshi no gensoku. Jikan ga osoku natta to iu shōko wa naku, sore jitai ga sonzai shite iru to iu shōko mo arimasen.
Jikan wa nichijō seikatsu ni okeru sōtai undō o hikaku suru tame no sūgaku-tekina bengi matawa tsūrudeari, sore jitai ga monode wa nai to iu jijitsu ga ippan ni ukeire rareru ōkina shōgai to natte iru no wa, eigo nado no gengo ni jikan o arawasu tango ga shintō shite iru kotodesu. `Okotta',`atta',`kinō',`ashita', sonota kako jisei ya mirai jisei no ōku no hyōgen nado, sore jitai ga hitotsu no mono to shite hyōgen sa remasu. Karendā, tokei, yakusoku mo, kūkan o rikai suru ue de no shōgai to narimasu. Jikan ni taisuru jigen wa, 12-inchi jōgi ni jigen o kizoku sa se, sore o kyori to yobu koto ni nite imasu. Dōyō ni, tokei wa jikan sonomonode wa arimasen. Sarani, sapia = u~ōfu kasetsu wa, hito no gengo no bunpō-teki oyobi gengo-teki kōzō ga dono yō ni eikyō suru ka o nobete imasu. Karera wa sekai o ninshiki shimasu. Sore wa, gengo ga hito no shikō o kettei suru ka, matawa eikyōwoataeru to iu koto o kyōchō shite imasu. https://thejedellreport.blogspot.com/2022/05/roe-v-wade-getting-worked-up-over.html
Shikō jikken
watashitachi no kekkan'noaru gengo taikei de kore o kangaeyou to suru node wa naku, jissai ni nani ga okotte iru no ka o kūkan-teki ni kangaete mite kudasai. Kore o kūkan-teki ni rikai suru kantan'na rei o tsugini shimeshimasu. Shikō jikken. Sekidō-jō ni aru jettoryokyakuki ga manishi ni ririku shimasu. Kōdo 35, 000 fīto ni tassuru to, taichi sokudo wa 1, 000-mairu ni narimasu. Pairotto ga kokkupitto no shōmen ni aru no wa, uchigawa kara mieru hidokei dakedesu. Hikōki no nakade wa tokei o motte iru hito wa dare mo imasen. Hidokei no kage wa, kōdo 35, 000 fīto ni tōtatsu suruto gogo 3-jidearu koto o shimeshimasu. Taiyō ga takai tokoro ni miemasu. Hikōki ga 6, 000-mairu idō shita nochi mo, hidokei wa onaji gogo 3-ji no ichi ni ari, taiyō wa ugoite imasen. Mada sora no takai tokoro ni arimasu. Pairotto to hikōki ni notte iru zen'in wa, hikō-chū ni jikan ga tomatta to omotte imasu. Karera wa, chakuriku shite kūkō ni hairu made sū-bu kakaru toki ni mo, kono hyōka o kakunin shimasu. Kabe no subete no tokei to subete no hitobito no tokei wa gogo 3-ji 5-bu o shimeshite imasu.
Hikōki ga shuppatsu shita kūkō no chijō de, chijō shokuin ga tokeiwomiru to, sore ga gogo 9-ji o sashite iru koto ga wakarimasu. Yoru demo ari,-boshi ga kagayaite imasu. Karera wa hareta hi no kioku to, yoru de taiyō no nai genzai no kankaku nyūryoku o hikaku shimasu. Karera wa jikan no mōsō o kōchiku shimasu. Ippō, pairotto to jōkyaku wa, hikō-chū ni ugokanakatta kagayaku taiyō to hidokei o genzai kankaku-teki ni nyūryoku shite imasu. Saigo ni, pairotto to jōkyaku wa, uchū no aru ryōiki kara betsu no ryōiki ni uchū o idō shite iru koto, oyobi 6tsu no `kakuritsu sa reta taimuzōn' o tsūka shite iru koto o shirasa remasu. Pairotto to jōkyaku wa sukoshi kangaeta nochi, kono setsumei o ukeiremasu. Shikashi, chijō shokuin wa tokei no hari ga ugoki,-bi ga shizunde yoru ni natta tame, genzai wa gogo 9-jideari,`jikan' ga 6-jikan keika shita to shinjite imasu. Norikumiin-tachi wa, chikyū ga tairade chikyū ga uchū no chūshindatta koro no hitobito to onajiyōni mōsō o daki, shi no yuka de Koronbusu to koperunikusu o kyozetsu shi, guido o itan no tsumi de kakei ni sho shita.
Jikan no nai `taimu toraberu' wa ari ezu,`jikan no ya' mo dōyō ni, jissai no chigai nashi ni kantan ni gyakuten dekimasu. Tsumari,`jikan' wa mirai kara kako ni idō suru ka, kako kara mirai ni idō shimasu. Riron-teki ni wa,`kako' ni ryokō suru ni wa, subete no gen'in to kekka no bekutoru o gyaku ni suru hitsuyō ga ari, 150-nen mae ni modoru ni wa 150-nen kakarimasu. Tadashi, koreha dekimasen. `Mirai' e no ryokō mo fukanōdesu. Nazenara, subete no undōryō bekutoru no undōryō o zōka sa seru hitsuyō ga arukaradesuga, sore wa fukanōdesu.
Sarani, entoropī wa kekkan'noaru gainendearu dakedenaku (tsumari, tamago wa kichinto tamago ni kumitate rareru mae wa ryūshi no yose atsumedeari, sonogo konton to shita konran no naka ni ochita), jikan no sonzai o shōmei suru monode wa arimasen. Ainshutain no kōensui (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_cone) wa, kūkan o arawasu kagiri, tadashī kōzōdesuga, ayamatta zentei ga arimasu. Tsumari, jōbu ni wa `mirai' no `jikan' ga aru to iu monodesu. `Genzai' no `jikan'dearu chūō ni shita ni idō shi,`kako' no `jikan'dearu shita ni idō shimasu. Jissai, jōbu ni wa, watashitachi no kankaku kūkan ni sono ikioi ga han'ei sa rete inai dekigoto ga tsumatte imasu. Chūō wa watashitachi no kankaku kūkan de,-ka wa undōryō ga watashitachi no kankaku kūkan kara kankaku kūkan no sotogawa ni idō shita bashodesu. Subete wa ima sugu ni! Watashitachiha `jikan' sore jitai ni tsuite mōsō suru koto naku, uchū zentai o setsumei suru koto ga dekimasu.
Hikari ga hayaku tsutawaru to iu jijitsu wa jikan no sonzai o shōmei shinai hikari no ensui yori mo, kankaku ninshiki no ishiki ryōiki o arawasu enwoegaku hō ga seikakudesu.
En no sotogawa de en no uchigawa o muite iru yajirushi wa, chikaku ni eikyō o ataete inai mono no, eikyōwoataeru junbi ga dekite iru, renzoku-teki ni bunri sa reta ikioi matawa ibento o arawashimasu. Https: / / https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/arrows-pointing-to-circle-middle.html o sanshō shite kudasai. En (matawa kyū)-nai no sotogawa ni muite iru yajirushi wa, chikaku ni eikyō o ataenagara mo tōzakarou to shite iru dekigoto matawa ikioi o arawashimasu. v o sanshō shite kudasai.
Sūretsu wa `jikan' ni izon shimasen. Tsumari, chikyū ga dore dake jiten matawa kōten shite mo, 1, 2, 3 to iu sūretsu wa tsuneni 1, 2, 3 ni narimasu. Shīkensu wa jikan ni izon shimasen. Jōki no shukan-tekina kōsei ga kakkantekina jijitsu o seikaku ni byōsha shite iru kanōsei wa, kanōnakagiri takaidesu.
`Atarashī shuchō, sarani wa furui shuchō ni taisuru shinken'na hihantekishikō to kaigi wa, kyoyō sa reru dakedenaku, kagaku no honshitsu to shite shōrei sa re, nozomashī monodesu.' - Kāru sēgan
Eigo de, Sapia = u~ōfu kasetsu: Gengo wa shikō to ninshiki ni eikyōwoataeru
Sapia u~ōfu kasetsu wa, hito no gengo no bunpō-teki oyobi gengo-teki kōzō ga sekai no ninshiki ni eikyōwoataeru to nobete imasu. Gengo wa hito no shikō o kettei suru ka, eikyōwoataeru to iu koto o kyōchō shite imasu.
chosakken © 2024 by debiddo u~iriamu Jedell
denshi mēru: d.w.jedell@gmail.com

Apparent Vaccine, Fluoride and Food Ingredient Concerns: Based on Credible Sources

By David William Jedell Updated December 29, 2024
Disclaimer: Nothing in this paper is to be construed as medical advice and is for informational purposes only.
Vaccine Concerns
In Florida alone, there was a 1,700% increase in VAERS reports after the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, compared to an increase of 400% in overall vaccine administration for the same time period (Figure 1). The reporting of life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400%. This is a novel increase and was not seen during the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign. There is a need for additional unbiased research to better understand the COVID-19 vaccines' short- and long-term effects. mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events, including coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell’s palsy, acute cardiac arrests, other acute cardiac events, and encephalitis. This risk was 1 in 550 individuals, which is much higher than other vaccines. https://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2023/02/20230215-updated-health-alert.pr.html
Reported Acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients apparently receiving remdesivir https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10099148/
VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports 1,652,230 Through October 25, 2024 Based on HHS Data
38k Deaths
218k Hospitalized
155k Urgent Care
245k Doctor Office Visits
10k Anaphylaxis
17k Bell's Palsy
5k Miscarriages
22k Heart Attacks
28K Myocarditis/Pericarditis
72k Permanently Disabled
9k Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelets
40k Life Threatening
47k Severe Allergic Reaction
16k Shingles
Yet, October 23, 2024, CDC Recommends Second Dose of 2024-2025 COVID-19 Vaccine for People 65 Years and Older and for People Who are Moderately or Severely Immunocompromised. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2024/s1023-covid-19-vaccine.html
Since publishing successful clinical trial results of mRNA coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) vaccines in December 2020, multiple reports have arisen about cardiovascular complications following the mRNA vaccination. This study provides an in‐depth account of various cardiovascular adverse events reported after the mRNA vaccines' first or second dose including pericarditis/myopericarditis, myocarditis, hypotension, hypertension, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, stroke, myocardial infarction/STEMI, intracranial hemorrhage, thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis, cerebral venous thrombosis, arterial or venous thrombotic events, portal vein thrombosis, coronary thrombosis, microvascular small bowel thrombosis), and pulmonary embolism. Vaccine recommendations can be reviewed considering our analysis, highlighting the need for robust post‐marketing surveillance, especially for such events that can generate findings pivotal for future evaluations that establish the safety profile of the mRNA‐1273 (Moderna) and BNT162b2 (Pfizer−BioNTech). https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10022421/
Other Vaccine Issues
$3.8 billion Paid for Vaccine Injuries in U.S.
According to the CDC, from 2006 to 2016 over 3.1 billion doses of covered vaccines were distributed in the U.S. For petitions filed in this time period, 5,426 petitions were adjudicated by the Court, and of those 3,676 were compensated. This means for every 1 million doses of vaccine that were distributed, 1 individual was compensated. Since 1988, over 19,361 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 29-year time period, 17,168 petitions have been adjudicated, with 5,999 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,169 were dismissed. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $3.8 billion. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/data/index.html
Immunizations Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger, CDC https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/imz-schedules/child-adolescent-age.html?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html
Apparent Higher Infant Mortality Rate
The US childhood immunization schedule requires 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year, the most in the world, yet 33 nations have better IMRs. Using linear regression, the immunization schedules of these 34 nations were examined and a correlation coefficient of 0.70 was found between IMRs and the number of vaccine doses routinely given to infants. When nations were grouped into five different vaccine dose ranges (12–14, 15–17, 18–20, 21–23, and 24–26), 98.3% of the total variance in IMR was explained by the unweighted linear regression model. These findings demonstrate a counter-intuitive relationship: nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/
Apparent Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is defined by standardized criteria of qualitative impairments in social interaction, qualitative impairments in communication, and restricted and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. A significant number of children diagnosed with ASD suffer a loss of previously-acquired skills, which is suggestive of neurodegeneration or a type of progressive encephalopathy with an etiological pathogenic basis occurring after birth. To date, the etiology of ASD remains under debate, however, many studies suggest toxicity, especially from mercury (Hg), in individuals diagnosed with an ASD. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878266/
Apparent Autoimmune Spectrum Disorders - Scientific Studies
A study published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology has shown that giving the Hepatitis B vaccine to newborn baby boys could triple the risk of developing an autism spectrum disorder compared to boys who were not vaccinated as neonates. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21058170/
Apparent Abnormal Brain Connectivity Spectrum Disorders Following Thimerosal Administration https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5433557/
On average, for each 1,000 lb of environmentally released mercury, there was a 43% increase in the rate of special education services and a 61% increase in the rate of autism. The association between environmentally released mercury and special education rates were fully mediated by increased autism rates. This ecological study suggests the need for further research regarding the association between environmentally released mercury and developmental disorders such as autism. These results have implications for policy planning and cost analysis. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16338635/
Apparently according to government sponsored research, evidence of mercury intoxication should be considered as a potential contributing factor in the differential diagnosis of some cases of regressive Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), particularly when there is a history of significant mercury exposure, like from thimerosal-containing vaccines. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17454560/
The ethylmercury-containing preservative thimerosal inhibited both IGF-1- and dopamine-stimulated methylation with an IC(50) of 1 nM and eliminated MS activity. Our findings outline a novel growth factor signaling pathway that regulates MS activity and thereby modulates methylation reactions, including DNA methylation. The potent inhibition of this pathway by ethanol, lead, mercury, aluminum and thimerosal suggests that it may be an important target of neurodevelopmental toxins. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14745455/
A case series of children with apparent mercury toxic encephalopathies manifesting with clinical symptoms of regressive autistic disorders. Patients examined were exposed to significant mercury from Thimerosal-containing biologic/vaccine preparations during their fetal/infant developmental periods, and subsequently, between 12 and 24 mo of age, these previously normally developing children suffered mercury toxic encephalopathies that manifested with clinical symptoms consistent with regressive ASDs. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17454560/
Impairments in social relatedness and communication, repetitive behaviors, and stereotypic abnormal movement patterns apparently characterize autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17454560/
Autoimmune Inflammatory Syndrome Apparently Induced by Adjuvants. An adjuvant is a substance that enhances the antigen-specific immune response, induces the release of inflammatory cytokines, and interacts with Toll-like receptors and the NALP3 inflammasome. The immunological consequence of these actions is to stimulate the innate and adaptive immune response. The activation of the immune system by adjuvants, a desirable effect, could trigger manifestations of autoimmunity or autoimmune disease. Recently, a new syndrome was introduced, autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), that includes postvaccination phenomena, macrophagic myofasciitis, Gulf War syndrome and siliconosis. This syndrome is characterized by nonspecific and specific manifestations of autoimmune disease. The main substances associated with ASIA are squalene (Gulf War syndrome), aluminum hydroxide (postvaccination phenomena, macrophagic myofasciitis) and silicone with siliconosis. Mineral oil, guaiacol and iodine gadital are also associated with ASIA http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23557271
Hib Vaccine Apparently Causes Insulin Dependent Diabetes 3 years Later http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12911277
Hepatitis B Vaccine and Autoimmune Disorders. “One would have to consider that there is causal relationship between HBV and serious autoimmune disorders among certain susceptible vaccine recipients in a defined temporal period following immunization.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15638050
Hepatitis B Vaccine and Bell’s Palsy. “Bell’s Palsy is the sudden onset of unilateral temporary paralysis of facial muscles resulting from seventh cranial nerve dysfunction.” Presented here is a two-year old female patient with right peripheral facial palsy following hepatitis B vaccination. Readers' attention is drawn to an uncommon cause of Bell's Palsy, as a rare complication of hepatitis B vaccination. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19902808
Bell's palsy as an apparently possible complication of hepatitis B vaccination in a child. Hepatitis B Vaccine and MS. “A number of convergent facts, however, suggests that the manufacturing process could introduce HBV polymerase as a contaminant, and then trigger an auto-immune process against myelin in some vaccinated subjects. Of great significance, this hypothesis is likely to give the missing link to account for the considerable body of clinical and epidemiological evidence documenting that, for a drug used with a preventive purpose, HBV has an unusual potential to induce central neurological disorders amongst others unwanted side-effects.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16176857
Common clinical characteristics were observed among 93 patients diagnosed with immune-mediated conditions post-HBVv, suggesting a common denominator in these diseases. In addition, risk factors such as history of autoimmune diseases and the appearance of adverse event(s) during immunization may serve to predict the risk of post-immunization diseases. The ASIA criteria were found to be very useful among adults with post-vaccination events. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22235045
Apparently, repeated immunization with antigen causes systemic autoimmunity in mice otherwise not prone to spontaneous autoimmune diseases. Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host's immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system's self-organized criticality. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2795160/
Vaccination and Autoimmunity: Vaccinosis. “Brain antibodies as well as clinical symptoms have apparently been found in patients vaccinated against those diseases. Other apparent autoimmune illnesses have been associated with vaccinations. Tetanus toxoid, influenza vaccines, polio vaccine, and others, have been related to phenomena ranging from autoantibodies production to full-blown illness (such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA)). Conflicting data exists regarding also the connection between autism and vaccination with measles vaccine.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10648110
Vaccines, in several reports apparently were found to be temporally followed by a new onset of autoimmune diseases. The same mechanisms that act in infectious invasion of the host, apply equally to the host response to vaccination. It has been accepted for diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, polio and measles vaccines and GBS. Also this theory has been accepted for MMR vaccination and development of autoimmune thrombocytopenia, MS has been associated with HBV vaccination. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16126512
The common immunogenic etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome: from infections to vaccines via adjuvants to the ASIA syndrome http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22054760
AsIA Syndrome. ‘ASIA’ – Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants. Four conditions: siliconosis, the Gulf war syndrome (GWS), the macrophagic myofasciitis syndrome (MMF) and post-vaccination phenomena were linked with previous exposure to an adjuvant. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20708902
The common immunogenic etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome: Apparently from infections to vaccines via adjuvants to the ASIA syndrome. AISA (autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants) syndrome was recognized, indicating the possible contribution of adjuvants and vaccines to the development of autoimmunity. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22054760
Shoenfeld’s Syndrome After Pandemic Influenza A/H1N1 Vaccination autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome apparently induced by adjuvants (ASIA). This syndrome is characterized by the appearance of myalgia, myositis, muscle weakness, arthralgia, arthritis, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment and memory loss, and the possible emergence of a demyelinating autoimmune disease caused by systemic exposure after vaccines and adjuvants. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21483283
Silver has historically and extensively been used as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. However, the Food and Drug Administration currently does not recognize colloidal silver as a safe and effective antimicrobial agent. The goal of this study was to further evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of colloidal silver. For bacteria grown under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, significant growth inhibition was observed, although multiple treatments were typically required. For fungal cultures, the effects of ionic colloidal silver varied significantly between different genera. The study data support ionic colloidal silver as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, while having a more limited and specific spectrum of activity against fungi. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/23017226/
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been used as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammtory, and antiangiogenic due to its unique properties such as physical, chemical, and biological properties. The present study was aimed to investigate antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities of silver nanoparticles alone and in combination with conventional antibiotics against various human pathogenic bacteria. Furthermore, the antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity of antibiotics or AgNPs, or combinations of AgNPs with an antibiotic was evaluated using a series of assays: such as in vitro killing assay, disc diffusion assay, biofilm inhibition, and reactive oxygen species generation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pneumonia. The results suggest that, in combination with antibiotics, there were significant antimicrobial and anti-biofilm effects at lowest concentration of AgNPs using a novel plant extract of A. cobbe, otherwise sublethal concentrations of the antibiotics. The significant enhancing effects were observed for ampicillin and vancomycin against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, respectively. These data suggest that combining antibiotics and biogenic AgNPs can be used therapeutically for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by bacteria. This study presented evidence of antibacterial and anti-biofilm effects of A. cobbe-mediated synthesis of AgNPs and their enhanced capacity against various human pathogenic bacteria. These results suggest that AgNPs could be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of infectious diseases. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25136281
"The most critical physico-chemical parameters that affect the antimicrobial potential of AgNPs include size, shape, surface charge, concentration and colloidal state. AgNPs exhibits their antimicrobial potential through multifaceted mechanisms. AgNPs adhesion to microbial cells, penetration inside the cells, ROS and free radical generation, and modulation of microbial signal transduction pathways have been recognized as the most prominent modes of antimicrobial action." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5110546/
Silver nanoparticles as a treatment against SARS‐CoV‐2 (COVID-19). Several human coronaviruses (HCoVs) are distinguished by the ability to generate epidemics or pandemics, with their corresponding diseases characterized by severe respiratory illness, such as that which occurs in severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS‐CoV-2), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS‐CoV), and, today, in SARS‐CoV‐2, an outbreak that has struck explosively and uncontrollably beginning in December 2019 and has claimed the lives of more than 1.9 M people worldwide as of January 2021. The development of vaccines has taken one year, which is why it is necessary to investigate whether some already‐existing alternatives that have been successfully developed in recent years can mitigate the pandemic's advance. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have proved effective in antiviral action. Thus, in this review, several in vitro and in vivo studies of the effect of AgNPs on viruses that cause respiratory diseases are analyzed and discussed to promote an understanding of the possible interaction of AgNPs with SARS‐CoV‐2. The study focuses on several in vivo toxicological studies of AgNPs and a dose extrapolation to humans to determine the chief avenue of exposure. It can be concluded that the use of AgNPs as a possible treatment for SARS‐CoV‐2 could be viable, based on comparing the virus' behavior to that of similar viruses in in vivo studies, and that the suggested route of administration in terms of least degree of adverse effects is inhalation. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7995207/
More Goverment Sponsored Research:
NIH Virus/Pathogen Research Papers On Colloidal Silver Efficacy
Fluoride Concerns
Human data: Apparently, skin rashes and complaints of the gastric, intestinal, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems have been reported in workers exposed chronically to concentrations ranging from 11 to 24 mg F/m3 [Roholm 1937]. Chronic exposures at concentrations greater than 24 mg F/m3 have been considered to be “elevated” and a concentration of 10 mg F/m3 was considered “excessive” [Collings et al. 1952]. It has also been stated that the atmospheric concentration immediately hazardous to life is unknown, and particulate fluorides are not likely to cause acute health problems among workers unless large quantities are ingested; concentrations producing immediate illness are unknown, but most likely are very high [AIHA 1965]. It has been stated that 5 grams of sodium fluoride is the probable lethal oral dose [Largent 1961]. [Note: An oral dose of 5 grams is equivalent to a worker being exposed to about 1,500 mg F/m3 for 30 minutes, assuming a breathing rate of 50 liters per minute and 100% absorption.] https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/idlh/fluoride.html
The use of a new calcium mesoporous silica nanoparticle versus calcium and/or fluoride products in reducing the progression of dental erosion. Ca2-MSN treatment can prevent the progression of enamel erosion as well as NaF can, likely due to the capacity of the silica to increase the bioavailability and slow the release of the incorporated molecules or ions, 27 much like the calcium used in our study, thus acting in the remineralization process. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7384487/
Vitamin D Promotes Odontogenic (tooth related) Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Cells via ERK Activation. Study reveals that 1α,25(OH)2D3 promotes the odontoblast like cell properties, including odontoblast-related DSPP and DMP1 upregulation, high ALP activity, and calcification of HDPCs through the activation of ERK MAPK. These findings suggest that vitamin D may be useful in inducing odontogenesis and facilitating dentin regeneration. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4507025/
Food Ingredients and Packaging
Many additives, some of which have no nutritional value, can be legally used in processed foods. They intensify colour, thicken, increase shelf life and enhance flavour. Regulatory authorities issue approvals as safe within acceptable quantitative limits. Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) contain combinations of all these additives and are particularly attractive to children.Many publications suggest that artificial colourants, benzoate preservatives, non-caloric sweeteners, emulsifiers and their degradation derivatives have adverse effects by increasing risks of mental health disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and potential carcinogenic effects.A systematic review has established that artificial azo dye food colourants (AFCs) and sodium benzoate preservative cause disturbed behaviour in children. AFCs and benzoates in animal models have neurotoxic properties through gut microbial generation of toxic metabolites. Observational studies show associations between high emulsifier intake and cardiovascular disease. Animal models and in vitro studies have highlighted neurotoxic, cytotoxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic effects. High intake of non-caloric sweeteners has been linked to cardiovascular disease and depression in adults and is linked to childhood obesity.Little research has focused on children who are the largest consumers of UPFs. Potentially, they are a ticking time bomb for adult obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, mental health disorders and cancers. Based on risk/benefit analysis, azo dye AFCs should be banned. Benzoates, emulsifiers and sweeteners require assessment of quantitative limits and cumulative effects of combinations. Consumers purchasing UPFs require information through ingredient health warnings and recommendations to use natural unprocessed foods which have well-described health-promoting properties. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38423749/
Propylene Glycol
Adverse effects of PG have occurred following topical, oral, and intravenous administration.2–,5 The adverse effects associated with PG include CNS toxicity, hyperosmolarity, hemolysis, cardiac arrhythmia, and lactic acidosis.6–,8 Oral and intravenous multivitamin preparations containing PG have been associated with adverse effects. A 15-month-old boy who received large doses of vitamin C suspended in PG had episodes of unresponsiveness, tachypnea, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and hypoglycemia.3 Seizures have been reported following ingestion of PG used as a vehicle to administer vitamin D.4 Hyperosmolarity in small infants has also been reported following the intravenous administration of a multivitamin preparation containing PG https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4341412/#:~:text=Although%20PG%20is%20generally%20considered,%2C%20agitation%2C%20and%20lactic%20acidosis
Sodium nitrite
Sodium nitrite can cause serious adverse reactions and death in humans, even at doses less than twice the recommended therapeutic dose. Sodium nitrite causes hypotension and methemoglobin formation, which diminishes oxygen carrying capacity. Hypotension and methemoglobin formation can occur concurrently or separately. https://chemm.hhs.gov/countermeasure_sodium-nitrite.htm#adv
Caramel Colouring
Soft drinks, including sodas, are widely consumed in the United States. A common ingredient in many soft drinks (e.g., colas, root beers, iced teas) is caramel color produced with ammonium compounds (i.e., caramel color type IV). The use of these compounds to manufacture caramel color can result in the formation of 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI). In recent years, evidence for the carcinogenicity of 4-MEI has raised concerns about uses of caramel color type III and IV that may expose consumers to 4-MEI and increase cancer risk https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4333292/
Next: NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of 2- and 4-Methylimidazole (CAS No. 693-98-1 and 822-36-6) administered in feed to F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice
2-Methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole are intermediate/starting materials or components in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, photographic and photothermographic chemicals, dyes and pigments, agricultural chemicals, and rubber; these chemicals have been identified as undesirable by-products in several foods and have been detected in mainstream and sidestream tobacco smoke. The National Cancer Institute nominated 2- and 4-methylimidazole as candidates for toxicity and carcinogenicity studies. Toxicity studies were carried out in male and female F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice. Animals were exposed to 2- or 4-methylimidazole in feed for 15 days or 14 weeks; clinical pathology studies were conducted in the 14-week studies on days 8, 29, and 86 and at week 14. Genetic toxicity studies were conducted in Salmonella typhimurium, rat and mouse bone marrow, and mouse peripheral blood. Groups of five male and five female rats and mice were fed diets containing 0, 1,200, 3,300, or 10,000 ppm 2-methylimidazole (equivalent to average daily doses of approximately 115, 290, or 770 mg 2-methylimidazole/ kg body weight to rats; 220, 640, or 2,100 mg/kg to male mice; 300, 800, or 2,400 to female mice) for 15 days. Groups of five male and five female rats and mice were fed diets containing 0, 300, 800, or 2,500 ppm 4-methylimidazole (equivalent to average daily doses of approximately 30, 80, or 220 mg/kg for rats and 65, 170, or 500 mg/kg for mice) for 15 days. In the 15-day 2-methylimidazole studies, all animals survived to the end of the studies. The mean body weights of 10,000 ppm male rats and female mice were significantly less than those of the controls. Feed consumption by 10,000 ppm male and female rats was reduced. Enlarged thyroid glands were observed in 3,300 and 10,000 ppm male and female rats. The incidences of diffuse hyperplasia of follicular cells of the thyroid gland in 3,300 and 10,000 ppm male and female rats and pars distalis hypertrophy of the pituitary gland in 3,300 and 10,000 ppm males and 10,000 ppm females were increased compared to the controls. In all exposed groups of male and female mice, the incidences and severities of follicular cell hypertrophy of the thyroid gland and the severities of hematopoietic cell proliferation of the spleen generally increased with increasing exposure concentration. In the 4-methylimidazole studies, all animals survived to the end of the studies, and there were no significant differences in mean body weights, clinical findings, organ weights, or gross or microscopic lesions between exposed and control groups. Groups of 10 male and 10 female rats and mice were fed diets containing 0, 625, 1,250, 2,500, 5,000, or 10,000 ppm 2- or 4-methylimidazole (equivalent to average daily doses of approximately 40, 80, 160, 300, or 560 mg/kg 2- or 4-methylimidazole to rats; and 100, 165, 360, 780, or 1,740 mg/kg 2-methylimidazole or 100, 240, 440, 915, or 1,840 mg/kg 4-methylimidazole to male mice; and 90, 190, 400, 800, or 1,860 mg/kg 2-methylimidazole or 110, 240, 540, 1,130, or 3,180 mg/kg 4-methylimidazole to females) for 14 weeks. All animals survived to the end of the 14-week 2-methylimidazole studies. Compared to the controls, the mean body weights were significantly decreased in groups of male rats and mice exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater and in 5,000 and 10,000 ppm female rats and mice. In rats, 2-methylimidazole induced a transient erythrocytosis in females and a minimal, exposure concentration-related, microcytic, normochromic, nonresponsive anemia. 2-Methylimidazole increased thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations and decreased thyroxine and triiodothyronine concentrations of male and female rats in an exposure concentration-related manner. 2-Methylimidazole induced a mild to moderate, exposure concentration-related, macrocytic, hyperchromic, responsive anemia in mice. Triiodothyronine concentrations were increased in exposed male and female mice, and thyroxine concentrations were decreased in exposed females. Relative to the control groups, clinical chemistry evaluations on day 29 and at week 14 identified decreases in alanine aminotransferase concentrations and total protein and albumin concentrations of rats. In the 2-methylimidazole studies, absolute spleen weights were significantly increased in all exposed groups of male rats. The heart and liver weights were increased in all exposed groups of male mice, as were the spleen weights of female mice exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater. Spermatid heads per testis and mean spermatid count were significantly decreased in 10,000 ppm male rats. The estrous cycle of 10,000 ppm female rats was significantly increased. Gross pathology observations included enlarged thyroid glands, small uteri, and mottled spleen in 5,000 and 10,000 ppm mice. The incidences of diffuse follicular cell hyperplasia of the thyroid gland were significantly increased in male rats exposed to 1,250 ppm or greater and female rats exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater. The incidence of testicular degeneration was significantly increased in 10,000 ppm male rats, and two males in the 10,000 ppm group had follicular cell adenoma of the thyroid gland. In mice, there were generally significant increases in the incidences of follicular cell hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, hematopoietic cell proliferation of the spleen, and hemosiderin pigmentation of the renal tubule in males exposed to 1,250 ppm or greater and females exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater. In the 14-week 4-methylimidazole studies, one 10,000 ppm male mouse was found dead during week 4, and seven 10,000 ppm female mice were found dead during weeks 1 and 2. Mean body weights were significantly less than those of the controls for male rats exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater, 5,000 and 10,000 ppm female rats, male mice exposed to 1,250 ppm or greater, and all exposed groups of female mice. Reduced feed consumption was observed in 5,000 and 10,000 ppm male and female rats. Clinical findings included nasal/eye discharge, ruffled fur, thinness, ataxia, and abnormal breathing in rats, and ruffled fur and dull coats in female mice. On days 29 and 82, functional observations in 5,000 and 10,000 ppm rats included labored or increased respiration, mild tremors, walking on tiptoes, hunched posture, piloerection, crouching over, impaired coordination of movement, ataxia, and pupillary constriction. 4-Methylimidazole induced a transient erythrocytosis and a minimal, exposure concentration-related, microcytic, normochromic, nonresponsive anemia in male and female rats. Clinical chemistry evaluations generally showed a cholestatic effect in exposed male and female rats. At week 14, there was a significant decrease in total protein and albumin concentrations of female rats exposed to 5,000 or 10,000 ppm. In mice, 4-methylimidazole induced a macrocytic, hyperchromic, responsive anemia and, particularly in males, increases in triiododthyronine concentrations and transient decreases in thyroxine concentrations. In the 4-methylimidazole studies, the liver weights of male rats exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater were significantly increased; spleen weights of female rats exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater were decreased. The absolute liver weight was decreased in 10,000 ppm male mice, and relative weights were significantly increased in all exposed groups of mice. In female mice, there was a significant decrease in the absolute weights and increase in the relative weights of the heart, right kidney, and liver in groups exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater. The epididymal spermatozoal concentration was significantly increased in 5,000 ppm male rats. Gross pathology observations included pale livers in male rats exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater and small testes and uteri in 10,000 ppm male and female rats. Microscopic analysis identified significantly increased incidences of cytoplasmic hepatocyte vacuolization of the liver of male rats exposed to 2,500 ppm or greater and 10,000 ppm female rats, hypospermia of the epididymis in 10,000 ppm male rats, atrophy and inflammation of the prostate gland in 10,000 ppm male rats, and degeneration of the testes in 5,000 and 10,000 ppm male rats. 2-Methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole were negative in the S. typhimurium mutation assay when tested in strains TA97, TA98, TA100, and TA1535, with and without S9 activation enzymes. Testing of 2-methylimidazole in vivo for induction of chromosomal damage, as measured by micronucleated erythrocyte frequency, produced mixed results. When administered by intraperitoneal injection three times at 24-hour intervals, 2-methylimidazole produced negative results in bone marrow micronucleus tests in rats and mice. However, in the 14-week study of 2-methylimidazole, a significant exposure-related increase in the frequency of micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes was noted in peripheral blood of male and female mice. In vivo, 4-methylimidazole produced uniformly negative results in three-injection bone marrow micronucleus tests in rats and mice and in 14-week peripheral blood micronucleus tests in male and female mice.
Potassium Bromate
Potassium bromate (KBrO3) is an oxidizing agent that has been used as a food additive, mainly in the bread-making process. Although adverse effects are not evident in animals fed bread-based diets made from flour treated with KBrO3, the agent is carcinogenic in rats and nephrotoxic in both man and experimental animals when given orally. It has been demonstrated that KBrO3 induces renal cell tumors, mesotheliomas of the peritoneum, and follicular cell tumors of the thyroid. In addition, experiments aimed at elucidating the mode of carcinogenic action have revealed that KBrO3 is a complete carcinogen, possessing both initiating and promoting activities for rat renal tumorigenesis. However, the potential seems to be weak in mice and hamsters. In contrast to its weak mutagenic activity in microbial assays, KBrO3 showed relatively strong potential inducing chromosome aberrations both in vitro and in vivo. Glutathione and cysteine degrade KBrO3 in vitro; in turn, the KBrO3 has inhibitory effects on inducing lipid peroxidation in the rat kidney. Active oxygen radicals generated from KBrO3 were implicated in its toxic and carcinogenic effects, especially because KBrO3 produced 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in the rat kidney. A wide range of data from applications of various analytical methods are now available for risk assessment purposes. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1567851/
Phosphate Additives
Hyperphosphatemia has been identified in the past decade as a strong predictor of mortality in advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD). For example, a study of patients in stage CKD 5 (with an annual mortality of about 20%) revealed that 12% of all deaths in this group were attributable to an elevated serum phosphate concentration. Recently, a high-normal serum phosphate concentration has also been found to be an independent predictor of cardiovascular events and mortality in the general population. Therefore, phosphate additives in food are a matter of concern, and their potential impact on health may well have been underappreciated. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3278747/
While the benefits of plastics are enjoyed worldwide, the environment and human health are adversely influenced (Figure 2). Phthalates, as endocrine-disrupting chemicals and SVOCs, are detrimental to the reproductive, neurological, and developmental systems of human from multiple exposure pathways. Children are at a higher level of exposure and more vulnerable to phthalates. Currently, many phthalates are banned and restricted in multiple countries. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8157593/
GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms)
GMO technology has been used to make crops resistant to chemical herbicides. As a result, herbicide use has increased exponentially. The World Health Organization's International Agency on Research for Cancer has determined that glyphosate, an herbicide widely used in producing GMO food crops, is a probable human carcinogen. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38073334/
Many Food Additives May Cause Harm
Many additives, some of which have no nutritional value, can be legally used in processed foods. They intensify colour, thicken, increase shelf life and enhance flavour. Regulatory authorities issue approvals as safe within acceptable quantitative limits. Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) contain combinations of all these additives and are particularly attractive to children.Many publications suggest that artificial colourants, benzoate preservatives, non-caloric sweeteners, emulsifiers and their degradation derivatives have adverse effects by increasing risks of mental health disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and potential carcinogenic effects.A systematic review has established that artificial azo dye food colourants (AFCs) and sodium benzoate preservative cause disturbed behaviour in children. AFCs and benzoates in animal models have neurotoxic properties through gut microbial generation of toxic metabolites. Observational studies show associations between high emulsifier intake and cardiovascular disease. Animal models and in vitro studies have highlighted neurotoxic, cytotoxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic effects. High intake of non-caloric sweeteners has been linked to cardiovascular disease and depression in adults and is linked to childhood obesity.Little research has focused on children who are the largest consumers of UPFs. Potentially, they are a ticking time bomb for adult obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, mental health disorders and cancers. Based on risk/benefit analysis, azo dye AFCs should be banned. Benzoates, emulsifiers and sweeteners require assessment of quantitative limits and cumulative effects of combinations. Consumers purchasing UPFs require information through ingredient health warnings and recommendations to use natural unprocessed foods which have well-described health-promoting properties. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38423749/
Potassium bromate
Apparent toxicity and carcinogenicity of potassium bromate--a new renal carcinogen. Potassium bromate (KBrO3) is an oxidizing agent that has been used as a food additive, mainly in the bread-making process. Although adverse effects are not evident in animals fed bread-based diets made from flour treated with KBrO3, the agent is carcinogenic in rats and nephrotoxic in both man and experimental animals when given orally. It has been demonstrated that KBrO3 induces renal cell tumors, mesotheliomas of the peritoneum, and follicular cell tumors of the thyroid. In addition, experiments aimed at elucidating the mode of carcinogenic action have revealed that KBrO3 is a complete carcinogen, possessing both initiating and promoting activities for rat renal tumorigenesis. However, the potential seems to be weak in mice and hamsters. In contrast to its weak mutagenic activity in microbial assays, KBrO3 showed relatively strong potential inducing chromosome aberrations both in vitro and in vivo. Glutathione and cysteine degrade KBrO3 in vitro; in turn, the KBrO3 has inhibitory effects on inducing lipid peroxidation in the rat kidney. Active oxygen radicals generated from KBrO3 were implicated in its toxic and carcinogenic effects, especially because KBrO3 produced 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in the rat kidney. A wide range of data from applications of various analytical methods are now available for risk assessment purposes. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1567851/
Apparently, TBHQ can have side effects on human health through activation of inflammatory routes, generation of reactive species, induction of CYP1A1, activation of caspases, and decreases in GSH/ATP levels, and triggering of the gradual development of cancers. Tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) is a patented potential oil-soluble antioxidant used as an effective additive in various products [18], [19], [20]. TBHQ is more efficient than other synthetic antioxidants in vegetable oils and animal fat [21]. In contrast, high quantities of TBHQ cause harmful effects on animals, such as inducing gastrointestinal tumors and damaging deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) rings [22]. For instance, several studies have shown that TBHQ results in the development of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) in DNA due to ROS production such as superoxide anion and H2O2 [16], [19]. Moreover, suppressing/increasing effects of TBHQ on gene expression can modify its cytotoxic and genotoxic effects on various cell lines https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9764193/#:~:text=Tert%2Dbutylhydroquinone%20(TBHQ)%20is,and%20animal%20fat%20%5B21%5D
Carcinogenicity. Apparently, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) apparently is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals. https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/sites/default/files/ntp/roc/content/profiles/butylatedhydroxyanisole.pdf
Apparently, studies have shown that aspartame is a carcinogenic agent in experimental animals, inducing a significant dose-related increased incidence of several types of malignant tumors and, among them, hematological neoplasia, and liver cancer.
Copyright © 2024 by David William Jedell
Email: d.w.jedell@gmail.com

Es ist unwiderlegbar! Die „Zeit“ ist immer Jetzt; Überall. Tut mir leid, Einstein, es gibt keinen Beweis für die Zeit an und für sich; Es ist lediglich ein mathematisches Werkzeug zur Messung des relativen Impulses

Von David William Jedell Aktualisiert am 30. September 2024
„Es ist einfacher, Menschen zu täuschen, als sie davon zu überzeugen, dass sie getäuscht wurden.“ - Mark Twain.
Warum bleibt ein so offensichtliches Konzept seit der Entwicklung des Bewusstseins unentdeckt? Immanuel Kant hat sich wie andere sehr berühmte Philosophen und Physiker nur unzureichend mit der Frage der „Zeit“ auseinandergesetzt. Daher ist es ein sehr wichtiges Thema, doch weder Kant noch sonst jemand hat die einfache Wahrheit erkannt, dass die Zeit an und für sich nicht existiert, obwohl sie Sophistiken liefern, um ihre Leser mit eingebildeten und irrelevanten falschen Gedanken zu verführen. Die Fakten sind wie folgt: Es ist immer Jetzt. Wenn Physiker, Mathematiker und andere Wissenschaftler diese offensichtliche Tatsache akzeptieren und wissenschaftliche Propaganda und die „Anforderung“ der Peer-Reviews außer Acht lassen würden, könnten wir alles besser verstehen. Ich fordere jeden auf, dieses Papier zu widerlegen.
Wir existieren in unserer lokalen Raumpunktreferenz (räumlicher Bereich, in dem Änderungen des Objekts, der Energie und der Wellenposition innerhalb unserer bewussten Sinneswahrnehmung stattfinden). Die Täuschung des Zeitkonstrukts ergibt sich aus unserem einzigen Bezugspunkt auf der Erde und führt zu der bewussten Schlussfolgerung von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Sind Sie jemals aufgewacht, als es nicht „Jetzt“ war? Die Ticken einer Uhr werden nur von Zahnrädern erzeugt, die mit einem Bruchteil der Erdrotation koordiniert sind, den wir „Sekunde“ nennen. Es geht nicht darum, die „Zeit“ im Auge zu behalten. Es verfolgt die Beziehung zweier Bewegungen. Die „Geschwindigkeit“ dieser Bewegungen liegt nicht in der Zeit als einem Ding an sich, sondern vielmehr im Verhältnis der Entfernung, die das Objekt zurücklegt, zu einem beliebigen Bruchteil der zyklischen Rotation der Erde als Konstante (d. h. dem Verhältnis von eins bis 24 oder eine „Stunde“). Raum und Jetzt sind dasselbe. Es ist nur das Bewusstsein, das die Täuschung der Zeit erzeugt; Ohne sie würde die Erde in der Ewigkeit existieren. Allerdings würde das Universum ohne Bewusstsein tatsächlich überhaupt nicht „existieren“, da Existenz streng genommen ein bewusstes Konstrukt ist.
Wenn ein Ereignis eintritt, beispielsweise eine Kollision zweier Objekte vor uns, speichern wir es im Gedächtnis. Wenn dieses Ereignis unseren lokalen Raum verlassen hat und es ein anderes Ereignis in einer geordneten Abfolge gibt, täuschen wir uns und glauben, dass die bewusste Wahrnehmung des ersten sequenziell geordneten Ereignisses in der „Vergangenheit“ stattgefunden hat, und zwar aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Das Ereignis erzeugt keine Sinnesimpulse mehr (d. h. Sie sehen es nicht mehr vor sich). Dieses Ereignis und seine Energien wirken sich jedoch weiterhin im nichtlokalen Raum aus. Da unser Bewusstsein die Wahrnehmungen der Erinnerung und das Fehlen gleichzeitig auftretender unmittelbarer Sinneswahrnehmungen überprüfen kann (d. h. man sieht sie nicht mehr), entsteht das mentale Konstrukt, dass es eine Vergangenheit und eine Gegenwart gibt. Das ist nicht sachlich, sondern fehlerhaft. Was die „Zukunft“ betrifft, sind die Bewegungen und Zufälle in „Ereignissen“ (d. h. die Wege zweier kollidierender Objekte) in unserer lokalen Raumreferenz nicht aufgetreten. Die Zukunft kann man sich nur vorstellen, vorhersagen oder erhoffen, aber wenn die Zukunft existieren würde, wäre sie in unserem lokalen Raum. Es gibt Bewegungen der Materie und einen sensorischen „Beobachter“, doch Raum ist immer Jetzt und Jetzt ist immer Raum. Sogenannte „Zeitdilatationen“ in der relativistischen Physik sind bestenfalls Impulsbeschleunigungen im Jetzt.
Allerdings wendet Einstein nicht sein eigenes Postulat an, dass alle Inertialsysteme gleichwertig sind. Der Beobachter im Raumschiff sieht also, wie die Uhr auf der Erde langsamer geht, während der Beobachter auf der Erde sieht, wie die Uhr im Raumschiff im exakt gleichen Tempo langsamer geht. Da alle Inertialsysteme gleich sind, ist die Anzahl der Klicks ihrer Uhren physikalisch gleich, wenn die beiden Beobachter wieder zusammengefügt werden. Andernfalls würde der Beobachter im Raumschiff sehen, wie sich die Erde wie ein Kreisel dreht, und das Raumschiff wäre ein „privilegierter“ Bezugsrahmen, den die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie nicht zulässt. Darüber hinaus in Übereinstimmung mit Einsteins Special
Darüber hinaus bewegt sich Licht gemäß Einsteins spezieller Relativitätstheorie immer geradlinig. In seinem berühmten Gedankenexperiment verlässt das Licht den Sender und geht schräg nach oben auf den Empfänger zu. Das ist unmöglich. Eigentlich muss sich der Strahl gerade auf und ab bewegen. Es ist das Raumschiff, das sich bewegt, das ist alles, und in die entgegengesetzte Richtung „bewegt“ sich auch der „richtige“ Rahmen. (Siehe 7.2.2 Zeitdilatation, http://www.thestargarden.co.uk/Special-relativity.html). Uhren sind nicht die „Zeit“ selbst, sondern sie messen und vergleichen relative Bewegungen. Die Verwendung von Licht mit seiner konstanten Geschwindigkeit in allen Referenzbildern zur Messung der Klickrate ist einfach eine bequeme Möglichkeit, die sogenannte richtige Frame-Klickzahl genau mit der relativen Frame-Klickzahl zu vergleichen.
Genau das ist die Verlangsamung oder Rotverschiebung des Lichts, das sich von einem Objekt in der Nähe des Ereignishorizonts eines Schwarzen Lochs (oder eines dunklen Neutronensterns) entfernt. Die Verlangsamung der Photonen im Einfluss der starken Schwerkraft setzt sich im Space-Now fort. Es gibt keine Hinweise darauf, dass sich die Zeit verlangsamt oder überhaupt existiert.
Ein Haupthindernis für die allgemeine Akzeptanz der Tatsache, dass Zeit ein mathematisches Hilfsmittel oder Werkzeug zum Vergleich relativer Bewegungen im Alltag und kein eigenständiges Ding ist, besteht darin, dass Sprachen wie Englisch von Wörtern durchdrungen sind, die Zeit ausdrücken als eine Sache an sich, wie „passierte“, „war“, „gestern“, „morgen“ und viele andere Ausdrücke vergangener und zukünftiger Zeitformen. Kalender, Uhren und Termine sind weitere Hindernisse für das Verständnis des Raums. Zuordnen Eine Dimension der Zeit ist vergleichbar mit der Zuweisung einer Dimension zu einem 12-Zoll-Lineal und der Bezeichnung „Distanz“. Ebenso sind Uhren nicht die Zeit selbst. Darüber hinaus besagt die Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese, dass die grammatikalische und verbale Struktur der Sprache einer Person beeinflusst Sie nehmen die Welt wahr. Es wird betont, dass die Sprache die eigenen Gedanken bestimmt oder beeinflusst
Anstatt zu versuchen, dies mit unserem fehlerhaften verbalen Sprachsystem zu durchdenken, versuchen Sie, räumlich darüber nachzudenken, was tatsächlich geschieht. Hier ist ein einfaches Beispiel für das räumliche Verständnis davon; ein Gedankenexperiment. Ein am Äquator gelegenes Passagierflugzeug hebt genau nach Westen ab. Wenn es eine Höhe von 35.000 Fuß erreicht, erreicht es eine Geschwindigkeit von 1.000 Meilen pro Stunde über Grund. Der Pilot hat lediglich eine Sonnenuhr vor dem Cockpit, die er von innen sehen kann. Niemand im Flugzeug hat eine Uhr. Der Schatten der Sonnenuhr zeigt an, dass es bei Erreichen einer Höhe von 35.000 Fuß 15 Uhr ist. Die Sonne ist hoch oben zu sehen. Nachdem das Flugzeug 6.000 Meilen zurückgelegt hat, befindet sich die Sonnenuhr in der gleichen 15-Uhr-Position und die Sonne hat sich nicht bewegt. Es ist immer noch hoch am Himmel. Der Pilot und alle im Flugzeug denken, dass die Zeit während des Fluges stehen geblieben ist. Diese Einschätzung bestätigen sie sogar, als sie landen und sich ein paar Minuten Zeit nehmen, um den Flughafen zu betreten. Alle Uhren an den Wänden und alle Uhren des Volkes zeigen 15:05 Uhr an.
Am Boden des Flughafens, von dem das Flugzeug abgeflogen ist, schaut das Bodenpersonal auf seine Uhren und stellt fest, dass es 21 Uhr ist. Es ist auch Nacht, die Sterne leuchten. Sie vergleichen ihre Erinnerung an einen sonnigen Tag mit der gegenwärtigen Sinneswahrnehmung einer Nacht ohne Sonne. Sie konstruieren den Zeitwahn. Während der Pilot und die Passagiere aktuelle Sinneseindrücke einer strahlenden Sonne und einer Sonnenuhr haben, die sich während des Fluges nicht bewegt hat. Schließlich werden der Pilot und die Passagiere darüber informiert, dass sie sich durch den Weltraum von einem Bereich des Weltraums in einen anderen bewegen und dass sie sechs „festgelegte Zeitzonen“ passiert haben. Der Pilot und die Passagiere akzeptieren diese Erklärung nach einigem Überlegen. Aber das Bodenpersonal glaubt, dass es 21 Uhr ist und dass 6 Stunden „Zeit“ vergangen sind, weil sich die Zeiger ihrer Uhren bewegten und die Sonne unterging und es Nacht ist. Die Besatzung hält an Wahnvorstellungen fest, wie die Menschen es taten, als die Erde noch flach und der Mittelpunkt des Universums war, indem sie Kolumbus und Kopernikus auf seinem Sterbebett ablehnte und Guido wegen Ketzerei auf dem Scheiterhaufen verbrannte.
Es kann keine „Zeitreise“ ohne Zeit geben, und der „Pfeil der Zeit“ kann genauso gut ohne wirklichen Unterschied umgekehrt werden, d. h. dass sich die „Zeit“ von der Zukunft in die Vergangenheit oder von der Vergangenheit in die Zukunft bewegt. Um in die „Vergangenheit“ zu reisen, müssten theoretisch alle Ursache-Wirkungs-Vektoren umgekehrt werden, und es würde 150 Jahre dauern, um 150 Jahre zurückzugehen. Dies ist jedoch nicht möglich. Eine Reise in die „Zukunft“ ist auch nicht möglich, da dies eine Erhöhung des Impulses aller Impulsvektoren erfordern würde, was nicht möglich ist.
Darüber hinaus ist Entropie nicht nur ein fehlerhaftes Konzept (d. h. das Ei war ein Durcheinander von Partikeln, bevor es ordentlich zu einem Ei zusammengesetzt wurde und dann in ein chaotisches Durcheinander geriet), sondern es ist auch kein Beweis für die Existenz von Zeit. Einsteins Lichtkegel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_cone) ist, soweit er den Raum darstellt, eine korrekte Struktur mit einer falschen Prämisse, d. h. dass oben „Zeit“ in der „Zukunft“ steht „Bewegen Sie sich nach unten zur Mitte, die „Zeit“ in der „Gegenwart“ ist, und dann tiefer, was die „Zeit“ in der „Vergangenheit“ ist. Tatsächlich ist die Spitze mit Ereignissen gefüllt, deren Impuls nicht in unseren Sinnesraum gelangt ist. Das Zentrum ist unser Sinnesraum, und unten ist der Ort, an dem sich der Impuls von unserem Sinnesraum nach außerhalb unseres Sinnesraums verlagert hat. Alles JETZT! Wir können das gesamte Universum erklären, ohne uns über die „Zeit“ an und für sich zu täuschen.
Die Tatsache, dass sich Licht schnell ausbreitet, beweist nicht die Existenz von Zeit
Anstelle eines Lichtkegels ist es genauer, einen Kreis darzustellen, der Ihren bewussten Bereich der Sinneswahrnehmung darstellt. Pfeile außerhalb des Kreises, die nach innen zum Kreis zeigen, stellen sequentiell getrennte Impulse oder Ereignisse dar, die Ihre Wahrnehmung nicht beeinflusst haben, dies aber tun werden. Siehe https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/arrows-pointing-to-circle-middle.html Pfeile innerhalb des Kreises (oder der Kugel), die nach außen zeigen, sind Ereignisse oder Impulse, die Ihre Wahrnehmung beeinflussen, sich aber entfernen. Siehe https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/arrows-outwards-circle-round-shape-vector-illustration-gm1473703846-503768100
Eine Sequenz hängt nicht von der „Zeit“ ab, d. h. die Sequenz 1,2,3 wird immer 1,2,3 sein, egal wie stark sich die Erde gedreht oder gedreht hat. Eine Sequenz ist zeitunabhängig. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die oben genannten subjektiven Konstrukte objektive Fakten genau wiedergeben, ist so hoch wie möglich.
„Ernsthaftes kritisches Denken und Skeptizismus gegenüber neuen und sogar alten Behauptungen sind nicht nur zulässig, sondern werden als Wesen der Wissenschaft gefördert und wünschenswert.“ - Carl Sagan
Copyright © 2024 von David William Jedell
E-Mail: d.w.jedell@gmail.com

Apparent Arson-Caused Wildfire Smoke and Heat Affecting Millions of Americans. Virtually Proven Here that Wildfires are Not Caused by Climate Change, but Wildfires Actually Cause Hot Weather that Heats the Earth's Atmosphere

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